25013 - RFP - Construction Materials Testing Services

Location: Illinois
Posted: Jan 20, 2025
Due: Feb 4, 2025
Agency: Wilmette village
Type of Government: State & Local
  • 56 - Construction and Building Materials
  • H - Quality Control, Testing, and Inspection Services
Solicitation No: 25013
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
Bid Number: 25013
Bid Title: 25013 - RFP - Construction Materials Testing Services
Category: Engineering and Public Works
Status: Open
Publication Date/Time:
1/20/2025 4:30 PM
Publication Information:
Closing Date/Time:
2/4/2025 2:00 PM
Submittal Information:
Bid Opening Information:
Pre-bid Meeting:
Related Documents:

Attachment Preview

RFP No. 25013
Construction Materials Testing Services
Last Date/Time for Questions
2:00 pm local time
Last Addendum Issued
2:00 pm local time
Proposals Due and Opened on
2:00 pm local time
Submit Questions To:
Submit Proposals At:
Note: This cover sheet is an integral part of the Proposal documents and is, as are all of the following
documents, part of any contract executed between the Village of Wilmette and any successful
Respondent Company Name (please print)
Page 1
Village of Wilmette
RFP No. 25013
Notice is hereby given that the Village of Wilmette (the “Village”) will receive proposals on
DemandStar.com until 02/04/2025 at 2:00 pm local time for Construction Materials Testing Services
related to the Village’s Road, Alley, and Brick Streets construction projects.
Description of Work
The proposed work is officially known as Construction Materials Testing Services, as further
described in the Specifications section of this RFP.
Availability and Clarification of Documents
This RFP and any addendums will be posted on the Village’s website at:
https://www.wilmette.gov/Proposals.aspx and DemandStar.com
Any questions related to this RFP should be submitted in writing to Cliff Ruemmler, Purchasing
Manager, at Purchase@wilmette.com. Questions received by the Village, including the Village’s
responses will be consolidated and posted on DemandStar.com and the Village’s website.
The deadline for submitting questions is 2:00 pm local time 01/29/2025. Respondents will provide
written acknowledgment of each addendum issued with their submitted Proposal. Oral explanations
will not be binding. No clarifications, interpretations or addenda shall be issued after 2:00 pm local
time on 01/31/2025.
It is the sole responsibility of the Respondent to check DemandStar.com and the Village’ website to
determine if an addendum has been posted.
Respondents’ response, in its entirety, is subject to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act and no part
of the Respondent’s Proposal will be considered confidential by the Village.
Page 2
Village of Wilmette
RFP No. 25013
Preparation of Proposal Documents
The Respondent shall prepare the Proposal on the attached Proposal forms furnished by the Village.
All blank spaces on the Proposal forms must be correctly completed. All signatures must be
completed. The total Proposal amount is to be shown in both words and figures where indicated. In
case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail, unless it clearly appears in
the Village’s opinion that the words rather than the figures are in error. Proposals containing
omissions and/or alterations not called for may be rejected.
Respondents are responsible to become familiar with all conditions, instructions, and contract
documents governing this Proposal, including the Contract terms attached in Appendix One (1).
Submission of a Proposal will be considered specific evidence of having performed the above. Any
exceptions to the contract document that you may have must be included on the Proposal Exception
Sheet. Once the award has been made, failure to have read all the conditions, instructions and
specifications of this RFP shall not be cause to alter the original Proposal or to request additional
Conflict with Existing Village Contracts
This Work shall be treated as a separate contract and not performed in conjunction with any existing
contracts as currently held by the Contractor. Any Contractor that currently performs work for the Village
under an existing contract must agree to furnish additional crews (labor and equipment) to guarantee
that timeliness, quality and services currently rendered do not suffer in any way due to additional work
contained in the contract for this Work.
Submission of Proposals
All Proposals must be submitted electronically through DemandStar.com by the specified opening
date and time of the Proposal. Proposals submitted after the specified date and time will not be
accepted. Mailed Proposals and/or emailed Proposals to the Village will not be accepted without the
prior written approval by the Village. It is the sole responsibility of the Respondent to submit the pdf
copy of the Proposal on DemandStar.com. .
Modify or Withdrawal of Proposals
Respondents may modify, withdraw or cancel their Proposal at any time prior to the Proposal opening
date and time by deleting the Proposal document(s) attached to their submission on
DemandStar.com. Mailed or emailed requests to withdraw a Proposal arriving after the specified
Proposal opening date and time will not be accepted regardless of date/time stamp or post-marked
time on the envelope. After the Proposal opening date and time, no Proposal shall be withdrawn or
canceled for a period of ninety (90) calendar days. The successful Respondent shall not withdraw or
cancel its Proposal after having been notified by the Purchasing Manager that said Proposal has
been accepted, subject to approval by the Village Manager or Village Board.
Page 3
Village of Wilmette
RFP No. 25013
Qualifications and Experience of Respondents
Respondent’s must have the following minimum experience:
a. The Respondent must be IDOT Prequalified in Special Services – Quality Assurance (HMA &
Aggregate and PCC & Aggregate); and,
b. Five years’ experience as a continuously operating entity engaged in the performance of
similar work.
Consideration of Proposals
The Work shall be awarded to the responsible Respondent who submits the responsive Proposal that
is most advantageous to the Village.
The Village reserves the right to waive any technicalities, irregularities or award in part or in whole or
to not award at all, reject any and all Proposals, and may order a re-advertisement for new Proposals
or whatever is in the best interest of the Village.
Failure on the part of the successful Respondent to execute a contract within thirty (30) calendar days
of its receipt or to provide an acceptable bond(s), if required, shall be considered just cause to
withdraw the award. In such case the Proposal security shall be forfeited as liquidated damages and
not as a penalty.
If the Proposal does not meet the entire Village specifications but does substantially meet the
requirements, the Respondent should indicate, in writing on the Proposal Exception Sheet, all deviations
from the Specifications. The Specifications included in this RFP are to be considered the minimum
specifications to perform the Work.
Disqualification of Proposals
The following will be cause for disqualification of Proposals:
a. Prices excessively high and/or exceed monies available for the intended Work;
b. Failure to submit Proposal security or surety, if required;
c. Failure to offer to meet specified delivery and/or performance schedules;
d. Failure to price out the Proposal in conformance to the required format; or qualification of price
to protect the Respondent from unknown future market conditions;
e. Rights of the Village limited under any contract clause;
f. Reasonable basis to suspect either conflict of interest or collusion among Respondents;
g. Respondent fails to submit required information, literature, or affidavits with Proposal;
h. Late Proposals;
i. Failure of any authorized person to sign any required Proposal forms;
j. Respondent is prohibited by local, state or federal law from entering into public contracts;
k. Respondent is in arrears or is in default to the Village upon any debt or contract, or that is a
defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Village;
l. Respondent has failed to perform faithfully on any previous contract with the Village; and
m. Anything to be in violation of the procurement policies and procedures of the Village.
Competency of Respondent
The Respondent, if requested in writing, must present within five (5) business days, evidence
satisfactory to the Village of ability and possession of the necessary facilities, equipment, personnel,
prior experience, financial resources, and/or certificates of insurance.
Page 4
Village of Wilmette
RFP No. 25013
The following Proposal Forms must be filled out completely, executed by an authorized agent and
included in the Proposal per the Submission of Proposals instructions.
...... Proposal Cover Sheet
...... Respondent Information Sheet
...... Summary Proposal Sheet
...... Optional Services Fee Schedule
...... Specifications
...... Summary of Qualifications and Tasks
...... Reference Form
...... Proposal Exceptions Sheet
...... Proposal Affirmation and Certification (signed)
...... Certification of Compliance (signed)
The successful Respondent will be required to execute the Contract included in Appendix One to
this RFP. This document SHOULD NOT be completed at the time of Proposal submission.
Page 5
Village of Wilmette
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.
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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.