Stearns County Highway Project

Location: Minnesota
Posted: May 26, 2023
Due: Jun 1, 2023
Agency: Stearns County
Type of Government: State & Local
  • Y - Construction of Structures and Facilities
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.

Stearns County Highway Project
Close June 1, 2023
St. Cloud, Minnesota


Sealed proposals will ONLY be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through, until 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 1, 2023 for the contract listed below. ?Electronic bids will be opened publicly at the Stearns County Highway (Public Works) Department Building located at 455 28 th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN 56387.

PROJECT NO.: ? ?SAP 073-599-084

LOCATION: ? ? Township Road 774 0.9 miles west of TH 71.

TYPE OF WORK: ?Bridge replacement.

Approximate Major Quantities are as follows:

Excavation ? Common (P) 1,900 CY

Select Granular Embankment (CV) (P) 846 CY

Common Embankment (CV) (P) 500 C Y

Aggregate Surfacing Class 1 450 CY

102” Span RC Pipe CLIIIA 120 LF

102” Span RC Pipe Apron 6 EA

Random Riprap Class IV 450 CY

Digital copies of the Plans and Proposals are available at for a fee of $30.00. ?The cost to submit an electronic bid is $25.00. ?These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects” page or by entering eBidDoc# 8514959 on the “Search Projects” page. ?For assistance and free membership registration contact QuestCDN at 952-233-1632 or .

Paper copies of the Plans and Proposals may be examined and obtained at the Office of the Stearns County Highway Department at 455 - 28th Avenue South, Waite Park, Minnesota, 56387 (PO Box 246, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302). Requests for plans must be accompanied by check, draft, or money order, payable to the Stearns County Treasurer. Plans are $50.00 non-refundable. Minnesota Sales Tax (7.125%) is included in all counter purchases and on all orders shipped to points in Minnesota. ?In order to submit electronic bids, purchasers of paper copies will need to provide a QuestCDN User Name and an additional $25.00 bidder fee.

Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or corporate surety bond in favor of the County Auditor/Treasurer of Stearns County for at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposal.

Bids will be considered for award of contract at the first regular meeting of the Stearns County Board of Commissioners following the opening of bids.

The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities.

Dated at St. Cloud, Minnesota this 8th day of May 2023.

Publish: Stearns County Web Site May 8 ? May 31, 2023.


Randy R. Schreifels
County Auditor/Treasurer

Stearns County Highway Project
Close June 1, 2023
St. Cloud, Minnesota


Sealed proposals will ONLY be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through, until 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 1, 2023 for the contract listed below. ?Electronic bids will be opened publicly at the Stearns County Highway (Public Works) Department Building located at 455 28th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN 56387.

STATE PROJECT NO.: ?SP 073-070-025; Minn. Proj. No. HSIP 7323 (231)

LOCATION: CSAH 4/CSAH 133 Intersection Northwest of St. Cloud, West of Sartell

TYPE OF WORK: Roundabout

Approximate major items of work are:

Excavation 17,081 CY

Embankment 21,768 CY

Aggregate Base Class 6 11,750 TON

Concrete Pavement 8” 416 SY

Bituminous Surfacing 4,901 TON

CS Pipe Culverts 300 LF

RC Pipe Culverts 68 LF

RC Pipe Sewer 1,547 LF

Drainage Structures 87 LF

Concrete Curb and Gutter 4,363 LF

Seeding 5.43 ACRE

Pavement Markings 10,758 LF

Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations.



The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders:

in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, sex or national origin in consideration for an award;

in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and Federal-Aid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin;

in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age;

in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance.

If you have employed more than 40 full-time employees in any state, on any single working day during the previous 12 months, you must have a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights to bid on any job in this advertisement. Please contact the Department of Human Rights immediately if you need assistance in obtaining a certificate.

The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors:

"It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency."

"It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3)."

A minimum goal of 4.6 % Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises.

Digital copies of the Plans and Proposals are available at for a fee of $40.00. The cost to submit an electronic bid is $25.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects” page or by entering eBidDoc# 8514918 on the “Search Projects” page. ?For assistance and free membership registration contact QuestCDN at 952-233-1632 or

Paper copies of the Plans and Proposals may be examined and obtained at the Office of the Stearns County Highway Department at 455 - 28th Avenue South, Waite Park, Minnesota, 56387 (PO Box 246, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302). Requests for plans must be accompanied by check, draft, or money order, payable to the Stearns County Treasurer. Plans are $60.00 non-refundable. ?Minnesota Sales Tax (7.125%) is included in all counter purchases and on all orders shipped to points in Minnesota. ?In order to submit electronic bids, purchasers of paper copies will need to provide a QuestCDN User Name and an additional $25.00 bidder fee.

Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or corporate surety bond in favor of the County Auditor/Treasurer of Stearns County for at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposal.

Bids will be considered for award of Contract at the first regular meeting of the Stearns County Board of Commissioners following the opening of bids.

The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities.

Dated at St. Cloud, Minnesota this 8th day of May 2023.

Publish: Stearns County Web Site May 8 ? May 31, 2023.


Randy R. Schreifels
County Auditor/Treasurer

Stearns County Highway Project
Close June 1, 2023
St. Cloud, Minnesota


Sealed proposals will ONLY?be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through, until 11:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 1, 2023 for the contract listed below. ?Electronic bids will be opened publicly at the Stearns County Highway (Public Works) Department Building located at 455 28th Avenue South, Waite Park, MN 56387.

STATE PROJECT NO.: SP 073-090-012; Minn. Proj. No. STBG 7323 (211)

LOCATION: Beaver Island Trail Extension along CSAH 75 between St. Cloud City Limits and 27th Avenue East in Lynden Township

TYPE OF WORK: Grading, Multi-Use Trail and Bridge Repair

Approximate major items of work are:

Excavation Common 10,166 CU YD

Common Embankment 11,220 CU YD

Aggregate Base Class 5 4,246 CU YD

Sound and Remove Loose Concrete 400 SQ FT

Clean and Paint Reinforcement 300 SQ FT

Concrete Surface Repair 200 SQ FT

Bituminous Surfacing 3,608 TON

RC Pipe Culverts 129 LIN FT

Concrete Walk 509 SQ FT

Wood Rub Rail 392 LIN FT

Wire Fence 391 LIN FT

Seeding 6.9 ACRE

Minimum wage rates to be paid by the Contractors have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581 and implementing regulations.



The Minnesota Department of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders:

in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Act), as amended and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, it will affirmatively assure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded maximum opportunity to participate and/or to submit bids in response to this invitation, and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, disability, age, sex or national origin in consideration for an award;

in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, and Title 23, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 230 Subpart A-Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal and Federal-Aid Construction Contracts (including supportive services), it will affirmatively assure increased participation of minority groups and disadvantaged persons and women in all phases of the highway construction industry, and that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be provided to all persons without regard to their race, color, disability, age, religion, sex or national origin;

in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.08 Unfair discriminatory Practices, it will affirmatively assure that on any project constructed pursuant to this advertisement equal employment opportunity will be offered to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age;

in accordance with the Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statute 363A.36 Certificates of Compliance for Public Contracts, and 363A.37 Rules for Certificates of Compliance, it will assure that appropriate parties to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement possess valid Certificates of Compliance.

If you have employed more than 40 full-time employees in any state, on any single working day during the previous 12 months, you must have a compliance certificate issued by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights to bid on any job in this advertisement. Please contact the Department of Human Rights immediately if you need assistance in obtaining a certificate.

The following notice from the Minnesota Department of Human Rights applies to all contractors:

"It is hereby agreed between the parties that Minnesota Statute, section 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 are incorporated into any contract between these parties based on this specification or any modification of it. A copy of Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules, parts 5000.3400 to 5000.3600 is available upon request from the contracting agency."

"It is hereby agreed between the parties that this agency will require affirmative action requirements be met by contractors in relation to Minnesota Statute 363A.36 and Minnesota Rules 5000.3600. Failure by a contractor to implement an affirmative action plan or make a good faith effort shall result in revocation of its certificate or revocation of the contract (Minnesota Statute 363A.36, Subd. 2 and 3)."

A minimum goal of 15.4 % Good Faith Effort to be subcontracted to Disadvantaged Business Enterprises.

Digital copies of the Plans and Proposals are available at for a fee of $40.00. The cost to submit an electronic bid is $25.00. These documents may be downloaded by selecting this project from the “Browse Projects” page or by entering eBidDoc# 8512856 on the “Search Projects” page. ?For assistance and free membership registration contact QuestCDN at 952-233-1632 or

Paper copies of the Plans and Proposals may be examined and obtained at the Office of the Stearns County Highway Department at 455 - 28th Avenue South, Waite Park, Minnesota, 56387 (PO Box 246, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302). Requests for plans must be accompanied by check, draft, or money order, payable to the Stearns County Treasurer. Plans are $60.00 non-refundable. ?Minnesota Sales Tax (7.125%) is included in all counter purchases and on all orders shipped to points in Minnesota. ?In order to submit electronic bids, purchasers of paper copies will need to provide a QuestCDN User Name and an additional $25.00 bidder fee.

Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or corporate surety bond in favor of the County Auditor/Treasurer of Stearns County for at least five percent (5%) of the amount of the proposal.

Bids will be considered for award of Contract at the first regular meeting of the Stearns County Board of Commissioners following the opening of bids.

The County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities.

Dated at St. Cloud, Minnesota this 8th day of May 2023.

Publish: Stearns County Web Site May 8 ? May 31, 2023.


Randy R. Schreifels
County Auditor/Treasurer

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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.