Location: California
Posted: Apr 17, 2024
Due: May 10, 2024
Agency: Santa Clara County Office of Education
Type of Government: State & Local
  • D - Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication Services
Solicitation No: RFP 04-24-25
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
Bid Identifier: RFP 04-24-25
Additional Resources:
Awarded Vendor:
Awarded Date:
Awarding Agency:
Agency Contact: Jas Sohal
Phone (Agency): 4084536858
Piggybackable? no
Issuance Date: 04/17/2024
Due Date/Time: 05/10/2024@3:00PM
Bid Status: Open

Attachment Preview

RFP#04-24-25 Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) calls for RFPs
to be received in Purchasing Services at 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, California 95131-2304 by
Friday, May 10, 2024 @ 3:00PM. There will not be a formal RFP opening for these proposals. All
proposals will be evaluated for pricing, specifications and other pertinent information. Any
nonconforming or incomplete proposals may be rejected. Vendors must comply with the instructions
contained in the proposal package. It shall be the full responsibility of all Vendors to ensure that
proposals are delivered to the above office by the time and date stated. Facsimile (FAX) copies or E-
mail of the proposal will not be accepted. SCCOE will not be responsible for late deliveries by U.S. mail
or any other means.
SCCOE reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularities or
informalities in any RFP or in the proposal process. No RFP, or any portion thereof, may be withdrawn
for a period of sixty (60) days after RFP opening.
Contact Information:
General Information
Jas Sohal
Manage Purchasing Services
1290 Ridder Park Drive - MC254
San Jose, CA. 95131
Ph.: 408-453-6858
Technical Questions
John Honerkamp
Manager, Special Education Program
Santa Clara County Office of Education
1290 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95131-2304
Ph.: 408.453.4368
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RFP#04-24-25 Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program
1.1 Overview
The Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) is a Federal Program designed to reimburse school
SCCOEs, county offices of education, and other governmental agencies for certain costs occurred in the
administration of MAA funded activities. The Billing Service agency contracts with the LEA to recover
Medi-Cal dollars through training, program coordination, eligibility determination, supporting
documentation including manuals and fiscal worksheets, plan development, invoice preparation and
submission, claims submission, reporting, and audit readiness. The agency will provide the SCCOE
with an online MAA time survey system to complete the data collection process. The SCCOE MAA
participants will individually log in and input their entire week using the program requirements. After the
SCCOE completes the review of the time surveys to ensure accuracy and audit compliance, the agency
will perform a second review of the surveys. The agency also provides training materials and assists in
the required annual training of all MAA participants. The agency assist the SCCOE in completing the
invoice process; will use fiscal data provided by the SCCOE in conjunction with the time survey data to
complete the MAA invoice quarterly for Medi-Cal administrative activities reimbursement.
1.2: Scope of Service
I. Implementation:
a. Will work with Client to assess program potential, establish provider and site databases
for effective service tracking, and provide implementation training to Client program
coordinator(s). This implementation process will be designed to identify areas of
reimbursement and to facilitate an effective partnership between Client and SCCOE.
II. Training and Materials:
a. Will provide training to Client’s program coordinator(s) and healthcare providers as part of
the initial contract implementation and at least annually thereafter. Training will include
the following subject areas: DHCS audit requirements for Client’s LEA billing program; all
necessary information and procedures for submitting Client billing data and “best
practices” to implement and maintain an optimized, audit-ready program.
b. Will provide Client personnel with all necessary training materials including a proprietary
“Coordinator’s Handbook” containing a detailed review of the rules and regulations
governing the LEA billing program. At Client’s request, will also make available its
proprietary “provider forms” for use in documenting the delivery of healthcare services
(available in paper and electronic versions).
III. Claims Preparation and Submission:
a. Eligibility: Upon the commencement of LEA Billing Services under this Agreement and
quarterly thereafter during the Term of the Agreement, agency will use its proprietary
algorithms and know-how to determine Medi-Cal eligibility and identify Medi-Cal numbers
within limits imposed by the DHCS and county governments. Eligibility match information
will be retained by the agency and will be used solely to provide services hereunder
subject to all the confidentiality provisions provided in the Agreement.
b. Claim Submittal: Will make reasonable efforts to submit each Medi-Cal claim within
thirty (30) days of receipt from Client of all information necessary for processing that
claim. Will also make reasonable efforts to bill retroactive claims existing at the
commencement of this Agreement so as to minimize revenue lost due to Medi-Cal’s one
(1) year billing limit.
c. Review and Submittal: Will monitor the submittal and payment process, review denials,
suspensions, and holds, as reported by DHCS, and make reasonable efforts to resolve
any challenges Client reimbursement claim.
IV. Management of Reports and Program Analysis:
a. Will provide Client with periodic management reports using provider, procedure, and/or
site parameters. The frequency of such reports will be determined by mutual agreement,
but in any event shall occur no less frequently than quarterly.
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RFP#04-24-25 Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program
V. Coordination with Client:
a. Information Sharing: Will provide Client with information regarding program policy,
interpretation of policy, and regulatory updates as applicable. Quarterly “Bulletins” will be
provided to Client’s coordinator(s) to ensure timely communication about program
changes and updates to the systems and processes.
b. Support: Will provide a “Client Care Center” available for the use of Client’s program
Coordinator(s) and accessible via toll-free phone and email. A Help Desk will be
available to Client program coordinator(s) and participants utilizing web-based software,
accessible by toll-free phone during regular business hours and by email.
c. Audit and Site Visit Support: Will provide Client personnel with training on audit
requirements and program compliance. In the event of a program audit or review,
agency will assist in preparing for and responding to the audit to the extent permitted by
DHCS and or any other auditing party.
VI. Technology and Software:
a. Will make available its proprietary web-based software to assist Client in effective
management of program participation.
VII. Cost and Reimbursement Comparison Schedule (CRCS) Services:
a. Will prepare the annual CRCS Workbook in accordance with the claim guidelines
approved by DHCS, based on information supplied by Client for each fiscal year, in
accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Client will have final approval over the
CRCS Workbook submission prepared by the agency.
VIII. MAA Billing Services: All services described below will be provided in accordance with and to
the extent allowed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) Medi-Cal
Administrative Activities (MAA) Plan.
a. MAA Program Consulting Services: Will work with Client to assess program potential,
and establish an optimized claim plan, which consists of review and analysis of all
program participants and their fiscal eligibility. Ongoing consultation will be designed to
identify areas of reimbursement and to facilitate Client’s full participation in the MAA
b. Training: Will provide training to Client’s program coordinator(s). Training will include
the following subject areas: DHCS audit requirements for Client’s MAA program;
information and procedures for submitting MAA fiscal information, and “best practices” to
implement and maintain an optimized, audit-ready program.
c. Information Sharing: Will provide Client with information regarding program policy,
interpretation of policy, and regulatory updates as applicable. Quarterly “Bulletins” will be
provided to Client’s coordinator(s) to ensure timely communication about program
changes and updates to systems and processes. Will provide Client personnel with
training on audit requirements and program compliance and will perform “compliance
reviews” to assist the Client in maintaining audit records. In the event of a program audit
or review, agency will assist in preparing for and responding to the audit to the extent
permitted by DHCS and/or any other auditing party.
d. Supplemental Support: Will provide a “Client Care Center” available for the use of
Client’s program coordinator(s) and accessible by toll-free phone during regular business
hours and by email. A Help Desk will be available to Client program coordinator(s) and
staff utilizing the agency’s web-based software, accessible by toll-free phone during
regular business hours and by email.
e. Technology and Software: Will make available, as applicable, its proprietary web-
based software to assist Client in effective program participation.
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RFP#04-24-25 Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program
2.1 Proposal Schedule:
4/17/24 & 4/24/24
Deadline to Submit Questions
Proposal Due
RFP Review
2.2 Additional Information
Inquiries regarding this RFP shall be in written form only. Responses to questions will be provided to all
known prospective respondents. The SCCOE reserves the right to amend the RFP. Addenda to this
RFP will be posted on the SCCOE’s website at:
It is the responsibility of prospective respondents to check the website for any possible addenda.
General Questions should be submitted to:
Jas Sohal
Manage Purchasing Services
1290 Ridder Park Drive - MC254
San Jose, CA. 95131
Ph.: 408-453-6858
Technical Questions
John Honerkamp
Manager, Special Education Program
Santa Clara County Office of Education
1290 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95131-2304
Ph.: 408.453.4368
2.3 Preparation and Submission of Proposal
Please submit three (3) hard copies of the proposal. Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope
and labeled Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program RFP#04-24-25 and addressed to:
Jas Sohal
Manage Purchasing Services
1290 Ridder Park Drive - MC254
San Jose, CA. 95131
Ph.: 408-453-6858
All proposals must be delivered to the above office on or before Friday, May 10, 2024 @ 3:00PM and
there will not be a formal RFP opening for these proposals.
Proposals received after the announced time and date for submittal will not be considered. However,
nothing in this RFP precludes the SCCOE from requesting additional information at any time during the
proposal evaluation period. The SCCOE is under no obligation to return proposals. All cost associated
with a proposal will be borne by each proposer. See Section 4 for proposal format.
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RFP#04-24-25 Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program
2.4 Time and Location of Proposer's Presentation
Upon completion of the review period, the SCCOE may invite finalists to make a presentation
demonstrating the merits of their proposal or provide references from other clients who have received
similar studies. Finalists will be notified to arrange specific times. The SCCOE will not be responsible
for any costs associated with the proposer’s presentation.
2.5 Right to Reject Proposals
The SCCOE reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to waive any minor defects or
irregularities in any proposal or in the proposal process, or to solicit new proposals on the same project
or on a modified project, which may include portions of the original proposed project as in the best
interest of the SCCOE. Further, notwithstanding any other provisions of this RFP, the SCCOE reserves
the right to award a contract to the proposal that best meets the requirements of the RFP and not
necessarily to the lowest Vendor.
2.6 Award of Project and Approval of Agreement
The selected proposer shall be required to enter into a written contract with the SCCOE in a form
approved by legal counsel and/or Risk Management for the SCCOE. This RFP and the proposal, or any
part thereof, may be incorporated into and made a part of the final contract. The SCCOE reserves the
right to negotiate the terms and conditions of the contract with the selected proposer.
Award of a contract is subject to funding approved by the SCCOE.
2.7 Proposals are Public Records
Each Proposer is hereby notified that, upon submittal of its proposal to the SCCOE in accordance with
this RFP, the proposal becomes the property of the SCCOE and is a public record subject to disclosure
in accordance with Public Records Act, Government Code Section 6250-6270.
Selection of a proposal will be based on the following criteria:
Addresses the needs and criteria of RFP
Experience working with County and school districts,
specifically, with Medi-Cal Billing for Special Education Program
Staff qualifications and experience
Agency can work within the timeline provided in this RFP.
Cost of Proposal
Proposals shall include the following:
1. Proposal Summary
Include an executive summary that discusses the highlights, key features, and distinguishing
points of the proposal. The summary should be specifically tailored to the scope of services
requested herein.
Include all of the following information:
a) A brief introduction of the Contractor and its leadership;
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This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.
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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.