1000133778R Design, Furnish, Deliver, Install, Configure, Test, and Commission Digital Audio Call Recording System (0000477994

Location: New York
Posted: Aug 21, 2024
Due: Sep 11, 2024
Agency: Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Type of Government: State & Local
  • 58 - Communications, Detection and Coherent Radiation Equipment
  • 65 - Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies
Solicitation No: 1000133778R
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
1000133778R Design, Furnish, Deliver, Install, Configure, Test, and Commission Digital Audio Call Recording System (0000477994)
  • Solicitation number/Contract number: 1000133778R
  • Tiitle/Description: Design, Furnish, Deliver, Install, Configure, Test, and Commission Digital Audio Call Recording System
  • Funding:  100% MTA
  • Goals:  15% MBE; 15% WBE; 6% SDVOB
  • Est $ Value:  $1M - $5M
  • Contract Term:  467 Days
  • Current opening/due date: 9/11/2024
  • Document availability date: 7/5/2024
  • Current addenda: 2

Solicitation Notice

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Construction & Development
DATE: 07/05/2024
SSE EVENT#: 0000477994
OPENING/DUE DATE: 09/11/2024
SOLICITATION TITLE: 1000133778R Design, Furnish, Deliver, Install, Configure, Test, and Commission
Digital Audio Call Recording System
DESCRIPTION: The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“MTA”), by and through the MTA Construction and Development
Company (“MTA C&D”), is soliciting a one-step Request for Proposals (“RFP”) procurement process in order to identify and engage a
qualified Design-Builder to provide design-build services to furnish, deliver, install, configure, test and commission Metro-North’s
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system and radio at 16 locations. MTA C&D intends to award a design-build contract at the
conclusion of the RFP process. The Contract will provide for design-build services to upgrade the hardware and software of MNR’s
multi-site digital audio call recording system with minimal downtime. Recorders are integrated into the Private Branch Exchange
(“PBX”) system at sixteen MNR locations. The sites are Grand Central Terminal (GCT) Core Node East, GCT Core Node West, GCT
PBX room, GCT Customer Service room, Highbridge, Croton-Harmon, Poughkeepsie, 525 North Broadway White Plains-Customer
Service Channels, 525 North Broadway White Plains-Head End/Operational Channels, North White Plains, Southeast / Brewster,
Stamford, Danbury, Bridgeport, New Haven T&E building, and Network Attached Storage (NAS), which is not a recorder but is part of
the recording system because it stores audio files, located on the 10th Fl. of 420 Lexington Avenue.
Funding 100% MTA Goals: 15% MBE; 15% WBE; 6% SDVOB
Contract Term: 467 Days
Est $ Range: $1M - $5M
Virtual via Microsoft Teams- Please contact the assigned
procurement representative at christopher.james2@mtacd.org
to register
DATE: 07/18/2024
TIME: 2:00PM
Grand Central Station- 89 E 42nd St, New York, NY
10017, specific meeting location is “The Clock” / Information
Booth in the Center of the Main Concourse.
DATE: 07/16/2024
TIME: 10:00AM
EMAIL: christopher.james2@mtacd.org
Contract No. 1000133778R
Project Overview
1. Introduction to the Project
Contract 1000133778R will provide for design-build services to upgrade the hardware and software of
MNR’s multi-site digital audio call recording system with minimal downtime. Recorders are integrated into
the Private Branch Exchange (“PBX”) system at sixteen MNR locations. The sites are Grand Central
Terminal (GCT) Core Node East, GCT Core Node West, GCT PBX room, GCT Customer Service room,
Highbridge, Croton-Harmon, Poughkeepsie, 525 North Broadway White Plains-Customer Service
Channels, 525 North Broadway White Plains-Head End/Operational Channels, North White Plains,
Southeast / Brewster, Stamford, Danbury, Bridgeport, New Haven T&E building, and Network Attached
Storage (NAS), which is not a recorder but is part of the recording system because it stores audio files,
located on the 10th Fl. of 420 Lexington Avenue.
2. Contracting Methodology
This Contract will be awarded as a lump sum Design-Build Contract. Procurement of the Contract on a
design-build basis is intended to encourage development of innovative designs, planning and logistics while
also optimizing the sharing of risks related to the Work. MTA C&D will award the Design-Build Contract to
the Proposer submitting the Proposal offering the best value to MTA C&D based on an evaluation of
qualitative factors as well as price, in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth herein.
3. Background information and Project Scope/Description
Metropolitan Transportation Authority Construction & Development (MTA C&D) in conjunction with Metro-
North Railroad (MNR) plans to secure the services of a Design-Builder to furnish, deliver, install, configure,
test and commission Metro-North’s Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system and radio at 16 locations. The
sites are Grand Central Terminal (GCT) Core Node East, GCT Core Node West, GCT PBX room, GCT
Customer Service room, Highbridge, Croton-Harmon, Poughkeepsie, 525 North Broadway White Plains-
Customer Service Channels, 525 North Broadway White Plains-Head End/Operational Channels, North
White Plains, Southeast / Brewster, Stamford, Danbury, Bridgeport, New Haven T&E building, and Network
Attached Storage (NAS), which is not a recorder but is part of the recording system because it stores audio
files, located on the 10th Fl. of 420 Lexington Avenue.
As a railroad, Metro-North maintains regulatory compliances and follows critical protocols and procedures.
This requires exceptional quality monitoring and training on an ongoing basis. Due to these requirements, it
is also crucial for Metro-North to accurately record and monitor all service calls including safety-critical calls
between Rail Traffic Controller (RTC) and employees working on and around tracks. The RTC control and
manage the track usage from Operation Control Center (OCC), ensuring that trains are routed safely and
efficiently, and ensuring the safety of customers and employees. The recorded voice data are used for liability
protection and to accurately assess those communications that provide insights into skill gaps, process
lapses, and employee training needs. Metro-North uses the call recording solution to capture, store, manage
and replay audios of the calls.
The work under this Contract includes, but is not limited to the following:
Upgraded Digital Audio Call Recording System, with additional capacity, at the sixteen
existing locations;
Removal and disposal of existing recorders and associated equipment, installation of new
recorders (along with any necessary software and software licenses);
iii. Provide uninterrupted power supply and switches;
iv. Integrate the recorders to MNR’s existing Avaya PBX system;
Contract No. 1000133778R
Project Overview
Installation of a new NAS at the NAS Site (along with any software and software licenses),
and connection of same to the digital audio call recording system.
A detailed summary of the Work elements is set out in the RFP documents.
4. Procurement Process
This RFP is a one-step best value procurement for Contract No. 1000133778R. Through the evaluation
of the Proposals submitted in response to this RFP, MTA C&D intends to ultimately select one (1)
Proposer whose Proposal, in MTA C&D’s sole discretion, represents the best value to MTA C&D. While
price will be a factor in the evaluation, experience working in a railroad environment, experience
performing work of similar nature, technical approach, schedule, and other qualitative factors will also
be considered in determining best value, as set out in this RFP.
5. RFP Availability
The RFP documents will be made available to all prospective Proposers on or about July 5, 2024. In order
to obtain the RFP documents, prospective Proposers need to complete and submit the Contract Document
Order Form to SolicitationDocs@mtacd.org. After the order form is processed, prospective Proposers will
be notified and instructed to log in the MTA Vendor Portal, www.mymta.info/vendor, and download the RFP
Vendors’ contact information must be updated in the Supplier Portal in order to receive notifications
regarding this solicitation.
New Vendors must first complete the registration process in order to obtain the RFQ documents. To
register log in the MTA Vendor Portal, www.mymta.info/vendor, selecting Vendor Sign-in & Registration,
select New Bidder Registration and then follow the on-screen instructions.
6. Evaluation of Proposals
As described in more detail in the RFP, each Proposer’s Proposal will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis for
compliance with the Proposal submittal requirements, including:
a) Threshold Evaluation Criteria
i) Completeness: The Proposal conforms to the RFP requirements and includes all materials
required by the RFP.
ii) Timeliness: The Proposal was submitted on or before the RFP Due Date and time.
iii) Capacity: The Proposer has presented evidence that its organization has the legal capacity to
enter into and perform the Design-Build Contract and to design and build the Project and comply
with New York licensing requirements.
iv) Responsibility: Neither the Proposer nor any Major Participant is currently disqualified, removed,
debarred, or suspended from performing or bidding on work for the United States government, any
state or territory of the United States, or any New York local government; and demonstrates
responsibility based on any publicly available reports and filings, reference checks as applicable,
Contract No. 1000133778R
Project Overview
and company or court records or other internal MTA documents that are available to MTA C&D.
v) Financial Capability: Proposer has demonstrated financial strength sufficient to complete the Project
and has provided a letter from an eligible Surety to satisfy the financial requirements set forth in the
b) Substantive Evaluation Criteria.
Design & Construction: The Proposer shall be evaluated on its strategies for efficient
contract scope delivery. The Proposer’s understanding of the Project objectives, scope of
Work, design deliverables, the requirements of the Project Requirements and Design
Criteria, and the required construction elements, project constraints and site restrictions.
This shall include the background and experience of the proposer in providing similar
service elsewhere, including the level of service working with municipalities and or other
public benefit corporation of similar size, and the quality of services performed, either for
MTA or for other municipal or private sector clients. Proposer’s identification of potential
design and construction risks and strategies to mitigate these risks will be evaluated, as
well as the Proposer’s approach to the construction, its means and methods, construction
equipment, use of Railroad Supplied Services, project phasing, and plans to impact the
traveling public while still achieving C&D requirements.
Schedule: The Proposer must demonstrate its strategies to meet the Milestones set forth
in the Contract. The Proposer will be evaluated on their CPM schedule detailing the
sequence of work, utilization of Railroad Supplied Services, including proposed projects
measures and innovations designed to expedite the Work resulting in earlier milestone
completion and overall contract construction duration (Substantial Completion).
iii. Management Plan: The Proposer will be evaluated on the details of their approach to the
management of the design, construction, and risks for the Project. Descriptions of prior
similar projects, including those with other MTA agencies may be documented.
Experience profiles for key management personnel will be evaluated. Staffing levels to
meet Contract Milestones will be evaluated. The completeness of the Organization Chart
will be evaluated as it relates to communication protocols and covering all aspects of the
project. The Proposer and its team members must demonstrate that other commitments
and contractual obligations will not impair or adversely impact its performance under the
iv. Experience: Experience, qualifications and organizational structure of the Proposer Team
including key members of the Construction Management team, key subcontractors. This
includes relevant experience of the Designer evaluated in the RFP process.
Record of Performance: Current record of performance on other contracts of MNR,
LIRR, NYCT, C&D, MTA, other governmental and non-governmental entities.
vi. Safety and Quality – Record and Plan: The Proposer shall be evaluated on their safety
record for previous projects including lost-time incidents, recordable injuries and fatalities,
and safety or quality violations. The evaluation shall also include the Proposer’s safety,
quality control and quality assurance plan for the Work.
vii. Diversity Practices: Proposer’s Diversity Practices as determined by the MTA’s
assessment of Proposer’s answers to Question 6 in Schedule R and to Schedule T
(Diversity Practices Questionnaire), which is primarily, though not entirely, concerned with
Proposer’s use of, and programs for, New York State certified Minority and Women Owned
Business Enterprises. Proposer’s answers to Schedule T will be scored by MTA C&D at
its sole discretion.
Contract No. 1000133778R
Project Overview
viii. Other Relevant Matters: The Proposer will be evaluated on all matters deemed relevant
by MTA C&D, in its sole discretion, including issues that might be raised after the release
of the RFP and overall adherence to the requirements of the RFP.
i) MTA C&D reserves the right to determine that any Proposal which it deems unacceptable in one (1)
or more technical evaluation criteria will not be eligible for Contract award; provided, however, that
pursuant to Section 313-a of the New York State Executive Law Article 15A, a Proposer’s “Diversity
Practices and Plan” shall not be the sole basis for rendering a Proposal ineligible for award.
7. Experience and Performance
a) To identify the best construction firms available, with demonstrated experience, expertise, capacity,
and record of producing quality work on projects similar in nature to the Project.
b) To identify a Contractor or a Lead Contractor with:
i) experience in successfully managing and constructing projects of the size, type and complexity as
anticipated for the Project;
ii) a record of completing contracts on time and within budget;
iii) technical and management experience and expertise to plan, organize and execute construction and
assure the quality and safety of the Work; and
iv) qualified key personnel with experience managing and performing work in active rail and transit
environments, including without limitation, project managers, construction managers, safety
managers, quality managers and schedulers.
8. General Limitations on Proposer Team Membership
a) Subject to the Limitations on Exclusivity set forth in Section 10 below, and in addition to any other
restriction or qualification on Proposer team membership and on the inclusion of Major Participants and
Key Personnel:
i) no Major Participant, including its affiliates, may participate on more than one (1) Proposer team;
ii) non-Major Participant Subcontractors and their Affiliates may participate on more than one (1)
Proposer team, subject to compliance with Sections 7.3, 8.2, and 8.3 of the instruction to Proposers;
iii) no firm that employs one or more of the individuals named as Key Personnel on one Proposer team
may serve any role on another Proposer team; and
iv) no individuals serving a Key Personnel role on one (1) Proposer team may serve any role on another
Proposer team.
9. Proposed Engagements with Duplicate Major Participants
a) Each Proposer shall identify and propose a single entity for each Major Participant in its Proposal, for
which purposes a Joint Venture will be considered to be a single entity.
10. Limitations on Exclusivity
a) Non-Major Participants, Subcontractors, and other Persons which are not prohibited from participating
on more than one (1) Proposer team under Section 8.2. of the Instructions to Proposers, may participate
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.
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