July 30, 2024
The City of San Mateo Public Works Department is soliciting proposals for the administration of the
North Shoreview Flood Improvement District, South Bayfront Levee and Flood Control Facilities
Assessment District and the Flood and Storm Protection Fee. The qualified firm must be experienced in
the administration and management of special finance districts. The consultant will prepare the
assessments for the County tax rolls, provide parcel management, funds tracking and other services as
needed on the City’s behalf; such as customer service and delinquency management. The City is
proposing to contract the services for five years.
Assessment Districts
The South Bayfront Levee and Flood Control Facilities Assessment District was approved by the residents
of that district in July 2009. The assessment district pays debt service on bonds issued in 2011 and
refinanced in 2020. The City used the bond funding to construct improvements to San Mateo’s Bayfront
levee system in areas south of San Mateo Creek. Completion of the project resulted in the removal of
approximately 8,000 homes in neighborhoods south of San Mateo Creek from the Special Flood Hazard
Area. For FY 23/24, the assessment district included approximately 8,260 parcels with a total assessment
of about $547,000. The assessment is for a duration of 20 years and the annual fee varies depending on
zone of benefit, type of property and square footage. Most property owners pay under $100 annually.
The North Shoreview Flood Improvement District was approved by residents in March 2018. The
assessment district pays debt service on bonds issues in 2018. The City used the bond funding to
construct improvements to San Mateo’s Bayfront levee system in areas north of San Mateo Creek.
Completion of the projected resulted in the removal of approximately 1,600 homes in neighborhoods
north of San Mateo Creek from the Special Flood Hazard Area. The assessment is for a duration of 20
years and the annual fee varies depending on zone of benefit. Most property owners pay around $100
Flood and Storm Protection Fee
The Flood and Storm Protection Fee was approved by residents in January 2024. The fee will fund
improvements to the stormwater system including: storm pipelines, pump stations, assessing and
restoring aging infrastructure, improving water quality in local waterways, and implementing proactive
maintenance and system reliability measures. The fee will impact all properties in San Mateo where
most property owners will pay around $96 annually.
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Assessment District Administration Services RFP
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The scope of services should address all the tasks required for the annual administration of the
assessment district. This will most likely include tasks such as:
Maintain Assessment District Data. Obtain relevant data from various sources including, but
not limited to, City records, parcel maps and County Assessor information to maintain and
update the database for the assessment district. Annually track all parcel changes to ensure they
are updated and appropriate assessment apportionment data is maintained.
Develop Annual Assessment Levy. Calculate the annual assessment levy for each parcel in the
district and submit the amount for each parcel to the County as required by the County Auditor-
Facilitate Ongoing Management of Assessments. Provide ongoing assistance to the City, other
interested parties and all property owners regarding the assessments and have staff available
to answer questions regarding ongoing collection of assessments for the district. Work with the
County and City on any parcel issues; including potential rejections to the property tax rolls or
pre-payment of assessments.
Maintain Delinquency Monitoring. Provide the City with information on delinquencies related
to the assessment district levies.
Provide Annual Reporting. Provide annual reporting data to the City; such as levy amounts
submitted to the County or directly billed for collection, paid off parcels, and delinquent
assessments. Provide data to the City for annual bond reporting including, but not limited to,
per parcel assessed valuation of single family homes, assessed valuation and parcels by land use,
and assessed valuations for largest taxpayers.
Proposers should submit their proposal electronically, via email, in PDF format. Proposals should be as
concise as possible and include the following information, outlined below.
A. Cover Letter
The proposal shall be submitted with a cover letter. The letter must include the name, title, address,
telephone number, and signature of the individual(s) authorized to negotiate and bind the firm
contractually. The cover letter shall provide a summary of the firm’s capabilities and the qualifications
of proposed staff.
B. Proposed Scope of Services
The scope of services should provide a detailed description of the firm’s proposed approach to
providing overall administration services to the North Shoreview/South Bayfront Assessment District
and the Flood and Storm Protection Fee. This scope will become Exhibit A of the City’s standard
professional services contract.
C. Experience and Qualifications
Provide a one to two-page summary of the firm’s experience and qualifications to conduct the scope
of work. Provide a list of at least two (2) agencies to whom the firm provides special finance district
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Assessment District Administration Services RFP
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administration services. Identify the personnel expected to serve as the main contact for assessment
district administration.
D. Estimated Costs
Provide a table with the proposed costs associated with each of the main tasks as outlined in the firm’s
proposed scope of work. In addition, provide labor rates for personnel that may be involved with the
Proposers shall address their proposals to Alonso Barahona, Management Analyst, Public Works
Department, City of San Mateo and email them to Proposals should
be emailed by 4:00 pm PST on Wednesday, August 14, 2024. Any questions about the proposal can be
submitted to Alonso Barahona via email or phone (650) 522-7334.
In selecting a firm, City staff will consider, in addition to cost, the experience of the professional, the
quality of work that the professional has done, the ability of the professional to complete the work in a
timely manner, and the insurance carried by the professional.
The selected firm will be required to execute an Agreement for Professional Services (Agreement for
the project on the City’s form which is included in this Request for Proposal as Attachment A. All
proposers are directed particularly to review all Indemnification, Hold Harmless and Insurance
requirements set forth in this Agreement. Any requested changes to the City’s Agreement must be
submitted with the proposal and will be evaluated as part of the proposal.
Attachment A: Sample Agreement
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Assessment District Administration Services RFP
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This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.