101 Camino Entrada, Building 3, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
(505) 662-8127
Advertised: September 3, 2024
Closing Date: September 24, 2024
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference: September 17, 2024
Request for Proposals (“RFP”)
RFP Number: 25-26
RFP Name: Electric Distribution System Electrification Study
1. Proposals in response to this RFP may be submitted either in paper form, in a sealed envelope, or
electronically by email. Only one of the following submission methods is required:
2. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION: Emails should be addressed to: lacbid@lacnm.us. Subject line must
contain the following information: RESPONSE – RFP25-26 Electric Distribution System
Electrification Study.
It is strongly recommended that a second, follow up email (without the proposal included or attached) be
sent to Kat Brophy, Management Analyst at kat.brophy@lacnm.us to confirm the Proposal was received.
The body of the email must contain enough information for the identity of the Proposer to be clear, including
company name, name of person sending the email, and contact information including email address and
phone number.
Only emails with proposals received in the lacbid@lacnm.us email box prior to 2:00 p.m. Mountain Time,
September 24, 2024, will be reviewed.
Proposals submitted by email will be opened only after the closing date and time stated in the solicitation
3. PAPER FORM SUBMISSION: Sealed proposals in one (1) clearly labeled unbound original, three (3)
bound copies and one (1) USB flash drive or CD, will be accepted at the Office of the Chief Purchasing
Officer, Procurement Division - 101 Camino Entrada, Building 3, Los Alamos, NM 87544, until 2:00 p.m.
Mountain Time, September 24, 2024, for this solicitation. Clearly mark the RFP Number and Name and
Offeror on the outside of the sealed proposal, including outer envelope and/or shipping label. The
USB flash drive or CD should be clearly identified. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to assure that the
information submitted in both its written response and the electronic version are consistent and accurate.
If there is a discrepancy between what is provided on the paper document and the USB flash drive or CD,
the written paper response shall govern.
4. Directions to Procurement office:
1. Drive WEST on NM-502 to Los Alamos.
o Camino Entrada (formerly known as Airport Basin) is 0.4 miles past East Gate Drive,
just past East Entrance Park Rest Area.
2. Turn RIGHT on Camino Entrada.
o Road slopes downhill and curves to the right.
3. Take second RIGHT into driveway through gated fence (before the stone sign “Pajarito Cliffs
o Follow the signs to Building 3, the L-shaped building in the center of the complex.
The County of Los Alamos is an Equal Opportunity Employer
o If you pass the Holiday Inn Express and the Airport, you’ve gone too far.
4. Enter glass door marked “PROCUREMENT.” See map below.
5. The Incorporated County of Los Alamos (“County”) invites Proposals from all qualified respondents. No
Proposal may be withdrawn after the scheduled closing time. Proposals will not be accepted after the
scheduled closing time. Please make note of the submittal requirements outlined in this
solicitation. Read and follow the instructions carefully. Include the required documents provided in
this RFP as part of your submittal packet. Any misinterpretation or failure to comply with the submittal
requirements could result in rejection of the proposal. Proposal preparation is at the Offeror’s expense.
6. Any change(s) to the solicitation will be conveyed through the written addenda process. Read carefully
and follow all instructions provided on any addendum, as well as the instructions provided in the original
7. Any questions must be received in writing at least five (5) days prior to the date fixed for when proposals
are due.
8. County reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept or reject any proposals; to waive any and all
irregularities in any or all statements or proposals; to request additional information from any or all
respondents; and to award a contract to the responsible Offeror whose proposal is most beneficial to
County. While County intends to execute a contract for the services listed herein, nothing in this document
shall be interpreted as binding County to enter into a contract with any Offeror or Proposer.
9. Bids and Proposals are Public Records. Pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act,
NMSA 1978, Chapter 14, Article 2, all materials submitted under this RFP/IFB shall be presumed and
considered public records. Except to the extent any information may be protected by state or federal law,
proposals shall be considered public documents and available for review and copying by the public.
10. Proposers/Offerors are informed that State law requires that all foreign corporations (NMSA 1978 §53-
17-5) and limited liability corporations (NMSA 1978 §53-19-48) procure a certificate of authority to
transact business in the state prior to transacting business in the state of New Mexico.
11. The Chief Purchasing Officer has determined a preference is applicable to this offer. A bidder or offeror
must submit a written request for preference, with a copy of the state-issued preference certificate, with
its proposal to qualify for this preference. Ref. County Code Section. 31-261(b) and Section13-1-21
NMSA 1978 et al.
12. A Mandatory Pre-Proposal meeting will be held on September 17, 2024, at 11:00 am Mountain
Time. Please email kat.brophy@lacnm.us for a copy of the meeting link.
RFP No. 25-26
Issued by Procurement Division: K. Brophy
Version: 04102024
1. For project-specific information, contact Stephen Marez,
at stephen.marez@lacnm.us; (505) 780-0481
2. For procurement process information, contact Kat Brophy, Management Analyst at
kat.brophy@lacnm.us; (505) 662-8127.
3. Written questions submitted via e-mail should be sent to Kat Brophy and copied to Stephen Marez.
4. As an additional courtesy to interested parties, this RFP and related documents may also be
downloaded from the County’s website at the address below.
The Los Alamos County Department of Public Utilities is seeking electrical engineering services to conduct a
power study, assess the electrical distribution system’s current condition and define projects and funding
sources required to maintain system resilience to meet the increased demands on the Los Alamos County
Utilities electrical system due to electrification and growth.
The Incorporated City and County of Los Alamos (“County”) is situated at the foot of the Jemez Mountains
on the Pajarito Plateau with an elevation ranging from 6,200 feet to 9,200 feet. Two distinct communities,
Los Alamos Town site and White Rock, each with its own visitor center, are home to ~19,000 people. Los
Alamos is mostly known for the historic accomplishments of its largest employer, Los Alamos National
Laboratory, and continues to gain notice for its vast scenic assets and recreational opportunities.
The townsite’s electricity is supplied by two feeders (tie circuits) from the Los Alamos National Laboratory
(LANL) Substation (or TA-3 Substation) that crosses the Los Alamos Canyon in an underground duct bank.
The LANL electric distribution department maintains the duct bank, which then connects to a county-owned
switchgear (or LAC Substation) in the townsite located at 1925 Trinity Drive. The switchgear operates at a
voltage of 13.2 KV and is the control center for the entire townsite electric supply. Exhibit A, illustrates an
overview of the Los Alamos Townsite Electric Distribution System with the source of power originating at the
LANL Substation, connecting to the county-owned switchgear and the five circuits that feed the area: Circuits
13 through 18. There are other supply lines that are utilized to supply power to outlying areas. The east gate
industrial park is fed power via circuit EA-4, which also originates at the LANL substation. Los Alamos Medical
Center, the hospital that serves Los Alamos, has an auto transfer switchgear of its own. This switchgear
connects to a tie circuit from the LANL Substation (S6) and will automatically transfer to an alternate circuit
on the LAC electric system (circuit 13) in the event that the S6 LANL line fails. The future circuit layout includes
circuits soon to be installed from the new Los Alamos Switch Station (LASS). The circuits will provide for load
splits on circuits 13,15 and 16. This will improve reliability and add redundancy to the townsite power supply.
The electric supply for White Rock is provided by a single substation and operates at a voltage of 12.47 KV.
This substation is supplied by the 115 KV PNM Norton transmission line entering White Rock from the east.
Currently White Rock is being served by one of two transformers. Exhibit B illustrates an overview of the
White Rock EDS with the White Rock Substation and the three circuits that serve White Rock (WR1, WR2
and WR3). The Utility replaced the Unit 1 Switch Station in 2019. The project also included the installation
of an additional breaker on unit 1 station. The addition of the new circuit WR3 Upon completion the project
will increase system capacity and reliability to White Rock and support the development of Tract A-19
properties on the north side of State Road 4.
Visit the Los Alamos County website (www.losalamosnm.us) and the tourism website
(www.visitlosalamos.org) for more information.
RFP No. 25-26
Issued by Procurement Division: K. Brophy
Version: 04102024
The successful Offeror (“Contractor”) shall provide some or all the following services. All items necessary for
the successful delivery of Services may not be included in the proposed Scope of Services herein. Offerors
are expected to identify and highlight in their Proposal any deviations or modifications to the proposed Scope
of Services that may be deemed necessary or might aid in successfully implementing and delivering Services.
1) Generally. Contractor will provide services to collect and assess Los Alamos County current electrical
system data and conduct a power Electrification Study to provide information on the Electrical Distribution
system’s current condition. Contractor will define projects and funding sources required to maintain
system resilience to meet the increased demands on the Los Alamos County Utilities electrical system
due to electrification and growth.
2) Project Initiation. Contractor shall, within ten (10) business days from the effective date of the
Agreement, or within a timeframe proposed in Contractor’s RFP response and agreed to by County,
schedule an in-person kick-off meeting with the County’s designated Utilities Department staff (“Project
Team”), as determined by the Deputy Utility Manager for Electric Distribution or designee (“Project
Manager”) at a date, time, to be agreed upon by both Parties.
a) In preparation for and prior to the kick-off meeting, Contractor shall review Code Sections identified
below and related plans, studies, and information, which include, but are not limited to the following:
i) Utility Rules and Regulations at
ii) Utility Construction Standards: https://losalamosnm.egnyte.com/fl/nViBAuIAID.
iii) LAC Preliminary Climate Action Plan at https://www.losalamosnm.us/Initiatives/Sustainability-and-
b) Upon award, the successful offeror will be provided with the following information via secure link:
i) Utility Board Recommendations
ii) Electric Distribution Condition Assessment
iii) System Maps
iv) Utility Customer information: PV connected customers, Consumption Data
v) PV interconnection Agreement
c) As part of the kick-off meeting, the Parties shall, at a minimum:
i) Establish a mutually agreed upon Project Schedule to accomplish key tasks with durations for
each task conforming substantially to the Contractor’s Proposed Project Plan and Schedule. The
Project Plan and Schedule shall include, at a minimum, Contractor’s anticipated need for travel
to Los Alamos, due dates for deliverables, and Project milestones.
ii) Review the scope of work and identify any Project issues to be addressed in the course of the
Project that were not identified in the County’s RFP or in the Contractor’s Proposal.
iii) Establish communication protocols, meeting frequency, and meeting format, with meetings
occurring either in-person or online in a virtual format.
iv) Identify document format and data transfer methods between Contractor and Project Team
related to the performance of the Agreement.
3) Project Management. Contractor shall perform the following project management duties.
a) Project Documentation and Meeting Materials. Contractor shall:
i) Produce agendas, meeting materials, and provide notes for all calls and meetings, and shall be
responsible for preparing, organizing, and maintaining documents created in service of this
Agreement. All notes shall be prepared in typed form and furnished electronically to the Project
Manager within five (5) business days after the date of the meeting, throughout the term of the
RFP No. 25-26
Issued by Procurement Division: K. Brophy
Version: 04102024
(1) In coordination with County Project Team, identify and collect the required data that shall be
necessary to complete the Electrification Study. This includes information identified above to
be released upon award as wall as any additional data needed.
b) Project Reports. Contractor shall:
i) Provide to the Project Manager a monthly Project Status report that includes a summary of
accomplishments by task, Project assessment, and deliverables for the reporting period in the
form mutually agreed upon by County and Contractor.
c) Site visits
Contractor shall coordinate with County staff acceptable times and dates to come on-site to do
multiple visual inspections, as identified in the Project Schedule, of the community within ten (10)
business days of the Kickoff Meeting, and prior to beginning the Electrification Study, in order to
gather information and evaluate critical and sensitive areas.
4) Comprehensive Electrification Power Study. Contractor shall provide a single comprehensive Los
Alamos County Electrification Power Study to include the following:
a) Demographics: Who are the customers in the County and how much energy do they consume now?
b) Projections on how many customers will switch to all electric homes and what is the expected
c) Projections on how many customers will install Solar Systems and what is the expected production
d) Projections on how many customers will purchase electric vehicles and what is the expected impact
on the system?
e) Projections on how soon Los Alamos County work vehicle fleet will convert to electric vehicles and
what is the expected impact on the system?
f) Projections on how many customers will install home backup battery systems?
g) Age and condition of infrastructure in all areas and anticipated need for replacements and any
necessary upgrades?
h) Critical Loads – Address the infrastructure connected to critical loads. Prioritize replacements and
i) Assessment of areas with a high incident of fault and what are their priorities?
j) Assessment and identification of threats to the Electric Distribution system?
k) Assessment and identification of the risks to the Electric Distribution system?
l) Assessment and identification of the vulnerabilities to the Electric Distribution System?
m) Assessment of the redundancies in the Electric Distribution system?
n) Identification and definition of technological modernization improvements needed to control the
o) Assessment of system models and maps for both Los Alamos townsite and White Rock. Identify
whether system models and maps accurate and sufficient? Make recommendations for
p) Assessment of current and future supply markets.
q) Projections on future supply chain conditions to include cost and electric demand.
r) Assessment of current and future staffing needs based on recommended changes to Electric
Distribution system.
s) Review the County Climate Action Plan, and Transit’s fleet electric conversion plan.
t) Identify Time and Cost and Barriers to Electric Distribution system upgrades or replacement.
u) Review existing DPU electric Rules and Regulations for any required updates that are identified in
your proposed plan.
v) Assess the value or cost benefit of undergrounding versus maintaining overhead lines.
w) Identify possible funding sources for large scale projects.
x) Define transmission level power requirements for Los Alamos County 30 year plan.
y) Define Battery Energy Storage (BESS) locations and power requirements for future LAC needs.
z) Incorporate Distributed Generation (DG) / Distributed Energy Resources (DER) defined limits on
circuits and improvements required to accept more DG/DER on distribution system
aa) Define possible areas in which microgrid systems can be installed within County. Include data in 30-
year report.
RFP No. 25-26
Issued by Procurement Division: K. Brophy
Version: 04102024
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.