Aiken County Public Service Authority
Pump/Motor Storage Building request for Bids
Beech Island SC 29842
The Aiken County Public Service Authority (ACPSA), located at 70 PSA Rd Beech
Island SC 29842, is requesting bids for all work as follows: Provide all labor,
equipment and materials in order to perform site preparation, to include
construction of a 50’ X 80’ X 16’ Sidewall Height (approximately 4,000 SF) pre-
engineered metal building on a high strength concrete foundation at the ACPSA.
Time of completion is (180) calendar days and shall provide a two-year written
warranty for labor and materials provided, plus a minimum twenty-year building
manufacturer’s warranty. The bid must be received by mail (with a specimen of
manufacturer’s warranty) or hand delivered to the Aiken County Central
Procurement Division, 1930 University Parkway, Suite 3201, Aiken, South Carolina
29801, at the specified time on the advertisement.
All vendors are instructed to direct inquiries regarding this bid to the Procurement
Department email address All questions are
due by April 4, 2024 before 3:00 p.m. The completed questions and answers (Q &
A) will be posted to the Aiken County website by April 8, 2024 before 5:00 p.m.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on March 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at
Aiken County PSA located at 70 PSA Rd Beech Island, SC 29842 for contactors to
look at erection site and ask any questions. Further inspections will be possible for
those who attend this meeting.
Conditions of Work: The Contractor must have informed himself fully of the
conditions relating to the scope of this project and the employment of labor
thereon, to have inspected the site and to have rad and become familiar with all
bid documents, contract documents and location. Failure or omission to do so will
not relieve a successful bidder of the obligation to furnish all material, equipment
and labor necessary to carry out the provisions of the contract. The Contractor, in
carrying out his work, must employ such methods and/or means as will not cause
interruption or interference with the ACPSA main roadways.
The Contractor will be responsible to schedule his work during daylight hours
each work day or otherwise notify the ACPSA for requesting a change of working
time. It is the contractor’s responsibility to practice safety requirements at all
times on the jobsite and respond to maintain or repair any damages that may
have been done during the tenure of the installation.
The Contractor will provide references, business license(s), and insurances before
a notice to proceed is issued. Proof of Liability Insurance and Workman’s
Compensation Insurance must be provided prior to commencing work.
The Contractor shall provide all barricades and signs required for safety, and shall
remove trash and debris from the work area daily and immediately act to repair
or replace any damage to adjacent owner property for any reason.
Owner utilities will be provided from the nearest available location with no
modifications by the owner or cost thereof to extend them closer to the work
References shall be provided upon request to confirm that the successful bidder is
capable of performing and completing this project in a timely manner under
specific conditions.
The Contractor is to obtain any licenses or permits required to provide the work
at no additional expense to the ACPSA.
Aiken County will provide no labor for this project.
Instructions to Bidders
Bids must include all total costs.
Bidders are to submit their bids on the form provided in this document.
Bidders must provide certificate of insurance before work begins.
Must provide a copy of a South Carolina general contractor’s license.
Bids must include a signed non-collusion statement and any addendums that are
posted for this solicitation.
A Bid Bond shall be required in an amount equal to not less than five per cent
(5%) of the amount of the bid to guarantee that the successful bidder will, within
ten (10) days from the date of the notice of awarded Contract, enter into a
contract with the Owner, and execute to the Owner a Performance Bond and
Payment Bond, the contract and bonds to be in the form set forth in this book. If,
for any reason whatever, the Bidder withdraws from the competition after the
bids have been opened, or refuses to execute the required contract and bonds, if
his bid is accepted, the Owner may retain the amount of the certified check, or
proceed against the bid bond. The surety on the Bid Bond and Performance and
Payment Bonds shall be a surety company authorized to do business in the State
where the project is located. Attorneys-in-fact certified, proper and effectively
dated copy of their power of attorney. Performance and Payment Bonds shall be
countersigned by an agent residing in the State, County, or City of the Owner, if
required. Bonds and the surety thereon shall be subject to approval by the
Attorney for the Owner.
For those contracts more than $50,000.00 in value, a Performance Bond of 100%
of Bid and a Payment Bond for 100% of Bid shall be required.
All bids must be in a sealed envelope with the following information clearly listed
on the front:
24-09-B Aiken County PSA Storage Building
Bid date/time: April 16, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
Vendor/Contractor Name
All bids must sealed and to be turned in to the Aiken County Procurement
Department at 1930 University Parkway, Room 3201, Aiken, SC 29801 by April 16,
2024 by 3:00 p.m.
Aiken County Public Service Authority (ACPSA)
70 PSA Rd Beech Island SC 29842
Scope of Work:
Dimensions: 50’ X 80’ W/16’ sidewall Height
Building Type: Pre-engineered rust resistant metal building. White roof and beige
siding and trim. Gutters and downspouts.
High strength Concrete slab with step off pad and door ramps for equipment up
to 10,000#.
Insulation: Yes
Plumbing: No
Electrical: No
Doors: (1) 3’ X 7’ Man door(solid) w/ lockset
(2) 14’ X 16’ coiling doors on one gable end
(2) sidewall windows
Stamped Engineered drawings for the building.
This is a turnkey project $______________________
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.