NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Santa Clara County Office of Education, hereinafter referred to as the
SCCOE, will receive up to, but not later than, 3:00 p.m., ,Monday, September 16, 2024, sealed proposals
for the award of a contract for the Santa Clara County Review of Special Education Programs provided
by the Santa Clara County Office of Education from interested parties hereinafter to referred to as the
Contractor. The Santa Clara County Office of Education reserves the right to reject any or all proposals
and to waive any informality in the proposal process.
All proposals shall be submitted in the format specified by the SCCOE. Proposals shall be received in the
office of Purchasing Services, Attention: Jas Sohal, Santa Clara County Office of Education, 1290 Ridder
Park Drive, MC 242, San Jose, CA 95131-2398.
Program questions regarding this proposal shall be directed to Ruby Parra, Manager-Strategy &
Implementation Office of the Superintendent via e-mail at
Any administrative questions regarding this proposal should be directed to the Manager-Purchasing
Services, Jas Sohal, via e-mail at
This Request for Proposal (RFP) contains specifications and related documents covering
Requirements for Santa Clara County Review of Special Education Programs as specified herein.
This RFP shall not be construed:
1. To create an obligation to enter into a contract on the part of the SCCOE with any Contractor
2. To serve as the basis for a claim for reimbursement for expenditures related to the
development of a proposal.
2.1 Overview of the Santa Clara County Office of Education
The SCCOE is the connecting link between 31 local K-12 school districts within the County of
Santa Clara and the State Department of Education. The office administers the programs below.
A more detailed description can be found at
• Educational Services provides countywide education programs including Migrant Education,
Alternative Education, Special Education, Head Start-Early Head Start, State Preschool, and
Environmental Education.
• Professional Learning & Instructional Support provides leadership, service, and support to
school districts through professional learning opportunities in the areas of:
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curriculum/instruction development, college and career technical education skills, and
district/school improvement services.
• Human Resources handles SCCOE's personnel activities, including recruiting and selecting
employees, maintaining employee records, and collective bargaining agreements. The
department also coordinates compensation and benefits. Credentialed staff, hired by the
public school system in Santa Clara County, register their credentials with this office.
• District Business and Advisory Services (DBAS) provides oversight and advisory services to the
31 school districts, 4 community college districts, and 5 JPAs located in Santa Clara
County. DBAS also provides payroll and vendor warrant processing services; training and
guidance on school business operations; and serve as a hub for the collection, processing,
and dissemination of fiscal, budgetary, and related statistical information and reports for the
districts, JPAs, and charters.
• Internal Business Services provides services in the areas of budgeting, attendance accounting,
financial accounting, centralized purchasing services, and payroll.
• General Services provides facility maintenance and operations, on and off-site custodial, real
estate leases; initiates and directs construction projects; and school bus transportation.
• Technology Services provides administrative systems support, network administration and
security, information systems operations, data systems and technical support to SCCOE and
school districts.
The office is funded primarily by grants and contracts and receives some state funds for
mandated services or local agencies. Please see: for the FY 22-23
Annual Audit Report.
2.2 Scope of Work
The Santa Clara County Office of Education (“SCCOE”) is seeking proposals from eligible bidders
that have expertise in providing the requested review of the fee for service special education
programs offered by the SCCOE in partnership with LEA’s in Santa Clara County. The report and
findings will highlight the strengths and recommendations of the program and identify
opportunities to increase access to these services in local school districts and on their campuses.
This review is aimed at describing the special education programs and services, its status in
supporting positive outcomes for students receiving special education services, and identify
areas of strength and considerations for department organization, programming, staff, and
delivery of services.
The Santa Clara County Office of Education (“SCCOE”) provides services for a fee to assist local
LEA’s in serving students with disabilities on the more restrictive part of the continuum of special
education service. Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the students remain
students of their district of residence. Students enrolled in regional special education programs
operated by the SCCOE generate funding for the home districts of those students and the SCCOE
does not receive direct funding. For this reason, a student’s home district, often referred to as
the District of Special Education Accountability (DSEA) or district of residence, has the
responsibility to include actions and services for such students in its LCAP; the DSEA is also
responsible to ensure that the requirements of EC Section 42238.07 are being met for its students
enrolled in the regional special education programs operated for a fee by the COE.
The SCCOE offered programs serve students referred by school districts. The program categories
are primarily deaf and hard of hearing, medically fragile, and significant disabilities.
The selected contractor will work closely with the County Superintendent of Schools
(“Superintendent”) and assigned personnel. The initial contract with the selected contractor will
be for a 9-month period from October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. The selected contractor(s)
will enter into a Professional Services Agreement with SCCOE which is attached to this RFP.
3.1 Preparation of Proposal Documents
Three (3) sealed copies of the proposal shall be submitted by no later than , 3:00pm, September
16, 2024. Proposals shall be delivered to the attention of the Purchasing Manager, Santa Clara
County Office of Education, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, Mail Code 242, San Jose, CA 95131-2398.
It is the sole responsibility of the person submitting the proposal to see that it is delivered on
time. Proposals received after 3:00 p.m., September 16, 2024 will be returned to the
Contractor, unopened.
3.2 Signature and Contact Information
The proposal must be signed in the name of the Contractor and must bear the signature of the
person authorized to sign proposals on behalf of the Contractor. The authorized signer must also
provide their contact information, including a phone number and email address.
3.3 Completion of Proposals
Proposals shall be complete in all respects as required by the instructions herein. A proposal may
be rejected if it is conditional or incomplete, or if it contains alterations of form or other
irregularities of any kind. A proposal will be rejected if, in the opinion of the SCCOE, the
information contained therein was intended to erroneously and fallaciously mislead the SCCOE
in the evaluation of the proposal.
3.4 Erasures
The proposal submitted must not contain erasures, interlineations, or other corrections unless
each correction is authenticated by signing, in the margin immediately opposite the correction.
The signature should belong to the person signing the proposal.
3.5 Examination of Contract Documents
Contractors shall thoroughly examine the contents of the RFP. The failure or omission of any
Contractor to receive or examine any contract document, form, instrument, addendum, or other
document shall in no way relieve the Contractor from obligations with respect to this RFP or to
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the contract to be awarded. The submission of a proposal shall be taken as prima facie evidence
of compliance with this Section.
If the Contractor discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission, or other errors in the
RFP, he/she shall immediately notify the SCCOE of the error in writing and request modification
or clarification of the document. Clarification shall be given by written notice to all Contractors
participating in the RFP, without divulging the source of the request for same. Modifications shall
be made by addendum issued pursuant to Section 3.6 below.
If an Contractor fails to notify the SCCOE of an error in the RFP before the date scheduled for
submission of proposals, or of an error which reasonably should have been known to him/her,
he/she shall submit the proposal at his/her own risk. If the contract is awarded to the Contractor,
he/she shall not be entitled to additional compensation or time by reason of the error or its
subsequent detection.
3.6 Addenda
The SCCOE may modify this RFP before the date scheduled for submission of proposals by
issuance of an addendum to all parties who received the RFP for the purpose of submitting a
proposal. Addenda shall be numbered consecutively as a suffix to the RFP reference number.
(The first number of an addendum would be RFP#-06-24-25_Addendum 01).
3.7 Modification of RFP Response
Contractor may modify his/her proposal after its submission by written notice to the SCCOE of
withdrawal and resubmission prior to the date and time specified for receipt of proposals.
Modifications will not be considered if offered in any other manner.
3.8 Withdrawal of Proposals
Contractor may withdraw his/her proposal by submitting a written request to the SCCOE at any
time prior to the date for proposal submission. Contractor may thereafter submit a new proposal
before the proposal submission date. A proposal may not be withdrawn after the proposal
submission date.
3.9 Rejection of Proposals
The SCCOE reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received in response to this Request
for Proposal or to negotiate separately with any Contractor when it is determined to be in the
best interest of the SCCOE to do so.
3.10 Misunderstandings
The RFP documents will be clarified by the SCCOE upon written request from an Contractor. The
County Superintendent’s decision shall be final in any matter of interpretation of the documents.
3.11 Cost of Preparation of Proposals
Costs of developing responses to this RFP are entirely the responsibility of the Contractor, and
shall not be chargeable to the SCCOE.
3.12 Award of Contract
It is anticipated that the contract will be awarded within the sixty (60) day period that proposals
are required to remain open. If award cannot be made within that time, the contractor will be
requested in writing to extend the time period during which the contractor agrees to be bound
by their proposal. Written notification will be made to unsuccessful Contractors.
3.13 Errors in Proposal
The contractor shall be bound by the terms and conditions of their proposals, notwithstanding
the fact that errors are contained therein.
3.14 Workers’ Compensation
In accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code of the State of California,
each Contractor shall sign and file with the SCCOE the following certificates before performing
the work to be done:
I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every
employer to be insured against liability for workers’ compensation or to undertake self-
insurance in accordance with the provisions of the code, and I will comply with such
provisions before commencing the work to be done under the contract.
3.15 Contract Documents
Documents included in this RFP are complimentary. Work called for by one shall be binding as if
called for by all.
3.16 Related Experience
All Contractors must submit information that indicates specific experience and qualifications in
reviewing special education programs as specified herein. Describe the qualifications of the lead
person(s) that will serve as the primary contact for SCCOE. Qualifications should illustrate general
expertise in fee for service programs provided by County Office of Education for special
education. Each Contractor shall submit with the proposal; a list of clients for whom similar
services have been performed during the past three (3) years. The reference list shall include the
names and addresses of each client, the names, titles and telephone numbers of each client'’
cognizant manager, and the dates the work was performed. During the evaluation and selection
process, SCCOE may contact each of the referenced clients.
3.17 Tentative Schedule of Events
Issue Request for Proposal / Advertisement
Proposals Due
Complete Evaluation
Oral Interviews, if invited
Award Contract
8/27/24 & 9/3/24
9/16/24 at 3:00 p.m.
Week of 9/16/24
9/23/24 or 9/24/24
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This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.