Purchasing Department
2520 W.W. Thorne Blvd., Houston, TX 77073
Phone 281-985-6141
ALDINE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (Aldine ISD) is accepting Requests for Proposals (hereafter
referred to as RFP or proposal) for Professional and Consulting Services on a continual basis until May 31, 2024
at 4:00 pm.
Respond Immediately
Although, May 31, 2024 is the latest date to respond, vendors should submit responses to the proposal immediately
to be considered for the approved vendor list. Each month prior to May 31, 2024, the purchasing department will
evaluate and submit vendors for approval by the appropriate Aldine ISD authority.
If a vendor does not respond, the vendor will not appear on the approved vendor list, and will not be allowed to
do business with Aldine ISD.
NOTE: If you are currently awarded on the Professional and Consulting Services RFP# PURCH 1819-5 that expires
on June 30, 2024, then you must still submit this RFP for evaluation to remain on the approved vendors list.
Method of Delivery
Proposals must be completed in the Aldine ISD eBid System.
PURCH 2324-6
MAY 31, 2024 AT 4:00 PM
Disqualified Proposals
Proposals received later than the specified time will be disqualified and returned. Faxed or emailed proposals do
not meet the proposal requirement and will also be disqualified.
Bid Tabulations
After the proposal is awarded, a tabulation summary will be posted to the district’s website, under “Community”,
“Vendor Bids”, “Bid Tabulations”.
Responding participants will receive any addendum that may occur prior to the proposal due date via the eBid
system. Questions regarding the proposal are to be submitted in writing to bids@aldineisd.org
Withdrawing / Retracting Proposals
Proposals may be withdrawn or retracted for any reason prior to the submission deadline indicated above.
Due Date / Deadline Extensions
The District, at its discretion, reserves the right to re-advertise and extend the due date and time; any extensions
will be indicated on the form of an addendum.
Aldine ISD reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all proposals or to make awards as they appear to be
advantageous to the district and to waive any and all informalities.
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