6 3 Arch Street
Holliston, MA 01746
F ebruary 3, 2025
T he Town of Holliston DPW - Highway is seeking sealed bids for Sidewalk Reconstruction on
Hollis and Railroad Streets in Holliston. Contractors are invited to submit sealed bids no later
than 10:30 AM on Friday February 28, 2025 at the Town Administrator’s Office, Town Hall at
7 03 Washington Street, Holliston, MA 01746. The bid opening will begin promptly at 10:30
AM on February 28, 2025.
Specifications and information regarding this IFB may be obtained from the Chief Procurement
Officer atH olliston Town Hall, 703 Washington Street,H olliston, MA 01746 on or after
February 10, 2025 during normal business hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30 am to 4:30
p m; Tuesday 8:30 am to 7:00 PM; Friday 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Information is also available on
The Town of Holliston website:
M assDOT Prequalification Requirement: Prospective Bidders must be prequalified by MassDOT
in accordance with 720 CMR 5.00, “Prequalification of Contractors”. Bids received by
C ontractors not on the official or waiver contractor lists issued by the MassDOT Prequalification
O ffice will be considered not qualified and their bid will not be opened
P lease review the enclosed Scope of Services and provide any questions in writing to Robert
Walker at the Holliston Highway Department, 63 Arch Street, Holliston, MA 01746 before 3:00
p .m. on February 21, 2025 or via email to Robert Walker at: walkerr@holliston.k12.ma.us
T he Town of Holliston reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to award the
project in a manner which is deemed to be in the interests of the Town of Holliston.
Date Issued:
Post to Town’s Web Page:
P ost Town Hall:
2 /03/2025
C entral Register Publication & COMMBUYS:
2 /12/2025
S ealed Bid Submission and Response Date:
F ebruary 28, 2025 at 10:30 AM
T he Town of Holliston is seeking sealed bids to provide labor and materials for Curbing,
d rainage and Sidewalk Installations. The Town will award the contract to the lowest responsive
a nd responsible bidder. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids as determined to be
in the best interests of the Town. Unless sooner rejected or accepted, all bid proposals must be
firm and continue in effect for ninety (90) calendar days following the date of bid opening.
T he successful Bidder must enter into the Town’s Standard Form Agreement, attached hereto.
3 .1 Any prospective contractor (bidder) requesting an interpretation of existing specifications of
terms and conditions must do so in writing by February 21, 2025, addressed to Robert Walker at
the Holliston Highway Department, 63 Arch Street, Holliston, MA 01746 or via email to Robert
Walker at: walkerr@holliston.k12.ma.us
3.2 The Bidder should be familiar with all of the IFB requirements and Bid Documents before
submitting their bid in order to prevent misunderstanding. Bidders shall promptly raise the issue
of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or error which they may discover in the Bid Documents,
specifications, at the work site, or any other conditions which may apply. No allowance will be
made for any claim where the underlying bid was based on incomplete information.
3.3 Inquiries shall be directed to Robert Walker at the Holliston Highway Department. Bidders
s hould note that oral communications are not binding on the Town and only written responses by
the Town may be considered by Bidders. All requests/questions must be submitted in writing.
Q uestions may be delivered by mail to Robert Walker at the Holliston Highway Department, 63
A rch Street, Holliston, MA 01746 or via email to Robert Walker at:
w alkerr@ holliston.k12.ma.us b y the deadline. Questionsthat may be asked during a pre-bid
conference, if any, should also be sent in writing in order to receive an official response.
Requests properly presented that, in the sole opinion of the Town, require interpretation,
correction, or change in the Bid Documents may result in an issuance of an Addendum to the Bid
Documents. Such Addendum shall then become part of the contract. The Town will forward all
their responses to all persons who are on record as having received the bid package. Questions
received after the deadline for such will be met with no response unless the Town, in its sole
d iscretion, determines it is necessary to respond.
In the event changes/additions are made to this IFB, an addendum will be issued to all persons on
record as having received the bid package.
Bids may be corrected, modified, or withdrawn prior to the submission deadline. After the
submission deadline, bids may not be changed. Minor mistakes may be waived by the Town.
The Town will not be responsible for the premature opening of any bid not properly identified.
T he Town may reject bids which are incomplete, not properly endorsed or signed, or which are
otherwise contrary to these instructions.
If, at the time of the scheduled bid submission deadline, the designated location for delivery and
opening of the bids is closed due to uncontrollable events such as fire, snow, ice, wind, building
evacuation, COVID-19 or other, the deadline will be postponed one business day. In such an
event, bids will be accepted at the same location until said date and time.
L ATE BIDS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. The Town assumes no responsibility for late
s ubmissions due to mail, courier, delivery or any other problems.
T he bid must satisfy all requirements to be considered for award. Failure to complete the
required forms, answer any questions, or provide the required documentation will result in the
bid being deemed NON-RESPONSIVE and will result in rejection by the Town unless it is
determined, solely by the Town, that any such failure constitutes a minor informality that can be
corrected without prejudice to other bidders.
1 0. TAXES
Purchases made by the Town are exempt from the payment of all Federal and State taxes. If
requested, the Town will provide the successful bidder with a copy of the Certificate of
E xemption.
T he Town reserves the right to waive all minor informalities and reject any and all bids as
d etermined to be in the best interests of the Town.
T he Town of Holliston will review all bids and will award a contract to the lowest responsive
and responsible bidder. The lowest responsive and responsible bidder shall be awarded a contract
for the specified items based upon the total bid price provided in their bid. At the sole discretion
of the Town, the purchase of the items may be awarded to one or more vendors for each item as
d efined in the Specifications, whichever is determined to be in the best interests of the Town.
Upon bidder selection, the Town will mail or email the contract to be executed by the Bidder,
w ho will return the required number of original copies with the required insurance information.
Unless otherwise noted by the Town, the terms and conditions of the contract are not negotiable.
P ursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 149, sections 26 and 27, the Division of
Occupational Safety (formerly the Department of Labor and Industries) has determined
the P revailing Wage Ratesfor this work. The enclosedrates apply only to this work. The
Prevailing Wage shall become part of the contract signed between the successful bidder and the
a warding authority or the contract is invalid. Prevailing Wages must be paid to all persons
employed on the public works project, regardless of whether they are employed by the successful
b idder or a subcontractor. The wage rates issued for each project shall be paid for the entire
p roject.
a. P ayroll records must be kept by the successful bidder for all persons employed on
the project. A separate Statement of Compliance must be submitted to the Division of
Occupational Safety by every employer, including all prime contractors and
s ubcontractors, when its portion of the work is completed. The enclosed form entitled
“ Weekly Payroll Records Report and Statement of Compliance" clearly details these
requirements. A certified payroll record must be submitted to the Office of the Town
A dministrator for each week work is performed for the Town under this contract.
Within ten (10) days of receipt of notice of contract award, the successful bidder shall provide a
p ayment bond 50% of the amount of the contract. Upon execution of the contract, the successful
bidder shall be expected to commence work immediately and proceed in a timely and efficient
manner until project completion and acceptance by the Town.
Successful biddermust comply with Chapter 306 ofthe Acts of 2004 § 1. (3) and shall certify
that all employees to be employed at the worksite will have successfully completed a course in
c onstruction safety and health approved by the United States Occupational Safety and Health
A dministration that is at least 10 hours in duration at the time the employee begins work and
w ho shall furnish documentation of successful completion of said course with the first certified
p ayroll report for each employee; and S ECTION 2 (3)that all employees to be employed in the
w ork subject to this bid have successfully completed a course in construction safety and health
approved by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration that is at least 10
hours in duration. (b) Any employee found on a worksite subject to this section without
documentation of successful completion of a course in construction safety and health approved
by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration that is at least 10 hours in
duration shall be subject to immediate removal.
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.