Port of Tacoma Decant Facility and Stormwater Center

Location: Washington
Posted: Aug 13, 2024
Due: Sep 13, 2024
Agency: Port of Tacoma
Type of Government: State & Local
  • 19 - Ships, Small Craft, Pontoons, and Floating Docks
Solicitation No: 072155
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
Port of Tacoma Decant Facility and Stormwater Center

Contract Number:


Procurement Summary:

The Port of Tacoma (POT) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from firms interested in providing professional consulting services in architectural and engineering design (Architectural, Civil, Survey,, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Geotechnical, Electrical, Environmental, and Stormwater). Cost estimating, scheduling, permitting, project management, environmental support, bidding support, construction support, and other engineering services are anticipated components of this project. The POT anticipates awarding one (1) contract. The period of performance of the contract is three (3) years from the execution of the contract, with options for renewal at the sole discretion of the POT, for a possible total of five (5) years.
The successful respondent may be precluded from competing for, or participating in, subsequent contracts that are the direct result of or primarily generated by, the work performed under the contract resulting from this procurement.


Last day to submit questions is August 30, 2024 at 2PM

Bids Due:
Fri, 09/13/2024 - 02:00PM

Attachment Preview

NO. 072155
Issued by
Port of Tacoma
One Sitcum Plaza
P.O. Box 1837
Tacoma, WA 98401-1837
Jerry Clardy, Procurement
Email Addresses:
Submittal Date
SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 @ 2:00 PM PST
Questions Due Date
AUGUST 30, 2024
RFQ 072155 POT Decant Facility and Stormwater Center
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Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 072155
Port of Tacoma Decant Facility and Stormwater Center
The Port of Tacoma (POT) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from firms
interested in providing professional consulting services in architectural and engineering
design (Architectural, Civil, Survey,, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Geotechnical,
Electrical, Environmental, and Stormwater). Cost estimating, scheduling, permitting,
project management, environmental support, bidding support, construction support, and
other engineering services are anticipated components of this project. The POT
anticipates awarding one (1) contract. The period of performance of the contract is
three (3) years from the execution of the contract, with options for renewal at the sole
discretion of the POT, for a possible total of five (5) years.
The successful respondent may be precluded from competing for, or participating in,
subsequent contracts that are the direct result of or primarily generated by, the work
performed under the contract resulting from this procurement.
The POT may apply for federal and or state funding for various phases of POT
Decant Facility and Stormwater Center. Therefore, the contract that results from
the RFQ and various work packages will be subject to the Federal Terms and
Conditions of each grant. See “Attachment C” for the generic Federal and
Washington state Terms and Conditions, which may be updated per each grant.
The Port of Tacoma is a major center for container cargo, bulk, break-bulk, autos, and
heavy-lift cargo. Created by Pierce County citizens in 1918, the POT has become one of
the largest container ports in North America and one of the top 50 in the world. The Port
manages a diverse set of business operations relating to maritime trade.
To learn more about the Port of Tacoma, visit www.portoftacoma.com
The POT Standard Terms and Conditions are included with the Sample Personal
Services Agreement (Attachment B) to this RFQ. By submitting a SOQ, the
Proposer represents that it has carefully read and agrees to be bound by the POT
Standard Terms and Conditions. Identify during the question submittal and
response period, any sections you consider onerous, clarify why you consider
these sections onerous, propose alternative language and describe why it is in the
POT best interests to adopt the alternative language.
SOQs submitted with altered or conditioned Terms and Conditions without prior
written agreement from the POT will be considered non-responsive and not
considered for evaluation.
Proposers submit SOQs understanding all contract terms and conditions are
mandatory. Response submittal is agreement to the Contract without exception.
The POT reserves the right to negotiate changes to submitted SOQs and to change
the POT otherwise mandatory Contract form during negotiations. If the Proposer is
awarded a contract and refuses to sign the attached Contract form, the POT may
RFQ 072155 POT Decant Facility and Stormwater Center
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reject the Proposer from this and future solicitations for the same work. Under no
circumstances shall Proposer submit its own boilerplate of terms and conditions.
The Port of Tacoma is requesting qualifications for design, grant support and
construction support required for development of a Vactor Decant facility and
Stormwater Center (Facility). The Facility will provide support for managing street
waste from sweepers, vactor decant from operations and maintenance of the Port’s
stormwater infrastructure, and management of hydro excavated soils. This facility will
also be the primary location for storage and management of water quality treatment
materials and equipment and a testing site used for implementing the Port of Tacoma
Technology Assessment Protocol- Ecology (TAPE) program. All the stormwater and
processed wastewater from the facility will be discharged to the City of Tacoma’s
sanitary sewer system. Proposed project location is on Marc Ave, Tacoma WA. See
parcel map on Exhibit A. The decant facility will not process dangerous wastes,
hazardous wastes, contaminated materials, and drilling slurry / concrete slurries.
The scope of work under this contract will include but is not limited to the design of a
decant facility that is:
Capable of separating solids and liquids by gravity.
Capable of handling a minimum volume of incoming materials on an annual
basis, both solids and liquids of approximately 240 cubic yards of solids
generated from street sweeping and Vactor trucks and 200,000 gallons of liquid.
Has capabilities of pretreating liquids as required by City of Tacoma (City)
wastewater permits.
Has enough capacity to accommodate future Port expansion and growth.
At a minimum the facility must include:
A dry material storage area/bays for stormwater treatment media and
stormwater related equipment.
A segregation bay for potentially contaminated hydro excavated soils to
include a separate pretreatment vault.
A bay for Vactor truck decant activities.
A bay for managing street sweeper waste.
A vehicle washing pad.
Decant pre-settling vaults that will allow enough time for the liquids to separate
from the materials. A decant settling vault that routs decanted liquids to the
sanitary sewer system.
A building with training space, lab area and inside storage to manage the
Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) Program.
Other tasks will include but are not limited to:
Providing the required design and surveying for utility coordination, stormwater
analysis, enhanced stormwater treatment facility, facility canopy structure,
treatment vaults separate for storm and hydro excavation liquids. (The
RFQ 072155 POT Decant Facility and Stormwater Center
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stormwater treatment system will need to be large enough to treat all the of the
Ports parcels shown in Attachment D.)
Providing design for upgrading and upsizing the sewer pipes along Marc Street
and the Lincoln Ave Loop. The new facility system will need to tie into the
existing sewer pipes on Marc Street, and then tie into the existing City’s main
sewer on Lincoln Ave.
Providing design for improving and paving Marc Street.
Providing design for developing and paving portions of the parcels.
Providing grant support for potential multiple grants for the project. One of the
grants the Port will be applying for is the State Fiscal Year 2026 (SFY26) WQC
grant, which is due October 15, 2024.
Providing support for the Port to acquire all applicable permits.
Providing life cycle costs to include operations and maintenance and annual
operating/administrative costs
The anticipated timeline for completion of this work is as follows:
1. Consultant team selection September 2024
2. Consultant team Award September 2024
3. Begin submitting grant application October 2024
4. Design and permitting Quarter 1-3, 2025
5. Bidding and Award Quarter 3 - 4, 2025
6. Construction Quarter 4, 2025 – Quarter 1, 2026
7. Substantial Completion Quarter 4, 2025
This contract will prepare design development packages including drawings,
specifications, technical information, cost estimates and project schedules at various
stages of design for review and approval. The team will also prepare permit documents
and assist the POT in acquiring all local, state and federal permits necessary to
complete the work. The team will also assist the POT in seeking grants available for this
type of project. The team will support during the bidding and construction phases of the
The deliverables for this project will include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Supporting documents for grant applications.
2. Conceptual development (approximately 30% design) – Concept drawings
including site plan and structure plans, cost estimate and schedule, survey
and geotechnical work, potential grant or reimbursement options for
3. Design development – Plans, specifications, construction cost estimates
and schedules at appropriate levels of design (60%, 90%, 100%)
RFQ 072155 POT Decant Facility and Stormwater Center
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i. Plans and cost estimate are anticipated at all design stages.
ii. Specifications are anticipated at 90% and 100% design stage.
iii. Permits will be applied for at 90% design stage.
4. Permitting – Prepare plans, specification, reports and any other
documentation required to submit for permits including applications.
5. Bidding – Provide final bid documents including plans, specification,
construction cost estimate, schedule, appendices and any other
documentation required to bid the project.
6. Construction – Review shop drawings and respond to contractor
questions, and other correspondence.
7. Project Close Out – Record drawings compiled from the contractor’s as-
built drawings and project change orders. Permit close out documentation
and reports. Compilation of project warranties.
Submitting firms must be licensed to practice in the State of Washington and must have
a minimum of five (5) years of experience on similar projects. Key team members must
have active State of Washington professional licenses.
SOQs should present information in a straightforward and concise manner, while
ensuring complete and detailed descriptions of the Vendor (to include the prime, key team
members, and major sub-consultants) and the team’s ability to meet the requirements
and provide the requested services of this RFQ. Emphasis will be on completeness of
content. The written SOQs should be prepared in the same sequential order as outlined
SOQs are limited to 10 numbered pages (8 ½ by 11 inch) excluding the cover letter and
all appendices. All pages shall be in portrait orientation with 1-inch (1”) margins. Font
size shall be 10 point or larger. SOQs that do not follow this format may be rejected.
Submittals need to be limited to 9 MB in total size.
The cover letter shall include the RFQ Number & Title in the subject line, and the Name,
Title, Email Address, Phone Number, and current Address of the submitting team. SOQ’s
that do not follow this format may be rejected. The cover letter shall include the following
information (even if the answer is None):
Describe any claim submitted by any client against the prime firm within the past
two (2) years related to the professional services provided by the firm or its key
personnel. For purposes of this request, claim means a sum of money in dispute
in excess of 10% of the firm’s fee for the services provided.
Any real or perceived conflicts of interest for team members, inclusive of the prime,
sub-consultants, and key team members.
A statement indicating acceptance of the POT Terms and Conditions and
acknowledgement of any addenda issued.
RFQ 072155 POT Decant Facility and Stormwater Center
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This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.
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See also

2024 WSDOT Consultant Prequalification Publication date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 8:00am PDT

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Solicitation Close Date/Amendment Date Title / Description Contact 11/19/24 Vendor Management Ref #:

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Bid Due: 11/19/2024

* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.