Municipality of Anchorage
Suzanne LaFrance, Mayor
Purchasing Department
December 5, 2024
RFP 2024P058
Provide a Girdwood Wastewater Treatment Facility (GWWTF) Facility Plan Update
The Municipality of Anchorage is an equal opportunity employer.
Enclosed is pertinent information for use in preparing your proposal.
Questions Due:
Proposals Due:
12:00 P.M. Local Time, December 13, 2024
12:00 P.M. Local Time, December 30, 2024
If applicable, the call-in phone number for Pre-Bid Conferences is 907-343-6089. Conference
lines are opened 5 minutes prior to the Pre-Bid Conference times. To attend meetings in
person; you may do so at 632 W. 6th Avenue, Suite 520, Anchorage, AK 99501. FOR AUXILIARY
For further information contact Purchasing at (907) 343-4590 or email All
correspondence should include the RFP number and title.
The Municipality of Anchorage reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive
any informalities in procedures.
Melanie A. Clark
Senior Construction Buyer
632 West 6th Ave., Suite 520 | Mail: P.O. Box 196650 | Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 | | Phone: 907-343-4590
1.1 Purpose
The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility (AWWU) is soliciting proposals from
qualified firms to render professional services for an updated Facility Plan for the
Girdwood Wastewater Treatment Facility (GWWTF). The anticipated period of
performance is six months from Notice to Proceed.
1.2 Background
The GWWTF is a tertiary (three-stage) wastewater treatment facility that operates under
secondary treatment standards set forth in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit. The NPDES permit limits the loading of total suspended solids
(TSS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and fecal coliforms to the Glacier Creek
The facility receives wastewater from the Girdwood Community and incorporates grit
removal, fine screening, activated sludge, secondary clarification, mixed media filtration,
and chlorine disinfection. The Girdwood wastewater influent is unique in that it is low
temperature, dilute, low strength, and is believed to contain large amounts of poor-
settling glacial silt. The flows are also highly variable due to high levels of inflow and
infiltration (I/I) and the transient/recreational nature of the community.
The existing facility was originally constructed in 1978 with a design capacity of 0.85
million gallons per day (mgd) and a peak hourly capacity of 2.0 mgd. The NPDES permit
currently limits the capacity to 0.68 mgd. The facility underwent a major upgrade in 1997-
1998 that included a new administration area, removal of the original biotowers, and
modifications to the solids thickening process. Other minor upgrades have been
conducted including a 2004 upgrade to the influent pump station. AWWU has conducted
two membrane bioreactor (MBR) pilot studies but has concerns regarding the use of this
technology in this location.
The focus of this project will be to complete an updated Facility Plan to outline a set of
recommended improvements for AWWU to include in its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
These recommendations will focus on maintaining plant functionality, improving
efficiencies, and accommodating anticipated increased future demands. Key
components to be addressed in the Facility Plan work effort are:
• Evaluate treatment capacity options and process options in which to meet a
future permit, flows, and loadings.
• Evaluate options for short-term improvements.
• Evaluate options based on assumed limitations of the new Alaska Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (APDES) permit, which may include a lower
ammonia standard.
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GWWTF Facility Plan Update
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Incorporate projected population growth, development, and re-development information
generated by master planning or census efforts.
1.3 Questions
Any questions regarding this Request for Proposal are to be submitted in writing to:
Municipality of Anchorage
Purchasing Department
For ease of identification please identify the RFP number in the subject line of any
Purchasing Office hours of operation are: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time Monday through
Friday, excluding Municipal holidays. All questions must be received prior to the deadline
indicated on the RFP cover letter.
1.4 Preparation Costs
The Municipality will not be responsible for proposal preparation costs, nor for costs
including attorney fees associated with any (administrative, judicial, or otherwise) challenge
to the determination of the highest ranked Proposer and/or award of contract and/or
rejection of proposal. By submitting a proposal each Proposer agrees to be bound in this
respect and waives all claims to such costs and fees.
2.1 Examination of Proposals
Proposers should carefully examine the entire RFP and any addenda thereto, and all related
materials and data referenced in the RFP. Proposers should become fully aware of the
nature of the work and the conditions likely to be encountered in performing the work.
2.2 Proposal Acceptance Period
Award of this proposal is anticipated to be announced within 120 calendar days, although
all offers must be complete and irrevocable for 180 calendar days following the submission
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2.4 Proposal Format
Proposals are to be prepared in such a way as to provide a straightforward, concise
delineation of the Proposer's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis
should be concentrated on
1) Conformance to the RFP instructions.
2) Responsiveness to the RFP requirements.
3) Completeness and clarity of content.
2.5 Signature Requirements
All proposals must be signed. Proposals must be signed by: an officer or other agent of a
corporate vendor, if authorized to sign contracts on its behalf; a member of a partnership;
the owner of a privately-owned vendor; or other agent if properly authorized by a power of
attorney or equivalent document. Signature on the “Letter of Transmittal” (See Paragraph
4.3) will meet this requirement.
Failure to sign the Proposal is grounds for rejection. The name and title of the individual(s)
signing the proposal must be clearly shown immediately below the signature.
2.6 Proposal Submission Requirements
2.6.1 ONE ORIGINAL, single sided unbound, plus five (5) complete copies of the
proposal must be received by the Municipality prior to the date and time specified
in the cover letter. Copies may be bound or enclosed in folders/binders.
2.6.2 IN ADDITION to the copies required by paragraph 2.6.1 above, provide a flash
drive containing a PDF copy of the complete proposal, including attachments.
2.6.3 All copies of the proposals shall be submitted in a single sealed cover which shall
be plainly marked as a Request for Proposal Response with the Number and Title
prominently displayed on the outside of the package.
2.6.4 Proposals must be delivered or mailed to:
Physical Address
Municipality of Anchorage
Purchasing Department
632 W. Sixth Avenue, Suite 520
Anchorage, AK 99501
2.7 News Releases
News releases by or on behalf of any Proposer pertaining to the award resulting from the
RFP shall not be made without prior written approval of the Municipal Purchasing Officer.
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GWWTF Facility Plan Update
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2.8 Disposition of Proposals
All materials submitted in response to this RFP will become the property of the Municipality
of Anchorage. One copy of the submitted material shall be retained for the official files of the
Purchasing Department and will become public record after award of the Contract.
2.9 Oral Change/Interpretation
No oral change or interpretation of any provision contained in this RFP is valid whether
issued at a pre-proposal conference or otherwise. Written addenda will be issued when
changes, clarifications, or amendments to proposal documents are deemed necessary by
the Municipality.
2.10 Modification/Withdrawal of Proposals
A Proposer may withdraw a proposal at any time prior to the final submission date by
sending written notification of its withdrawal, signed by an agent authorized to represent the
agency. The Proposer may thereafter submit a new proposal prior to the final submission
date; or submit written modification or addition to a proposal prior to the final submission
date. Modifications offered in any other manner, oral or written, will not be considered. A
final proposal cannot be changed or withdrawn after the submission date, except for
modifications requested by the Municipality after the date of receipt and following oral
2.11 Late Submissions
2.12 Rejection of Proposals
The Municipality of Anchorage reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if determined
to be in the best interest of the Municipality.
2.13 Equal Employment Opportunity Contract Compliance
2.13.1 Every municipal contract shall include language substantially the same as the
following: “The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, marital status, or physical or mental disability. The
contractor will comply with all laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination
including, but not limited to, Title 5 and Title 7 of the Anchorage Municipal Code.”
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This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.