Automated Mechanical Tester

Location: Iowa
Posted: Nov 1, 2024
Due: Nov 11, 2024
Agency: Iowa State University
Type of Government: State & Local
  • 66 - Instruments and Laboratory Equipment
Solicitation No: RFQ-1001143
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.

Bid Information

Type Request for Quote (Public)
Status Issued
Number RFQ-1001143 (Automated Mechanical Tester)
Issue Date & Time 11/1/2024 03:00:03 PM (CT)
Close Date & Time 11/11/2024 03:00:00 PM (CT)
Question Cut Off Date 11/7/2024 12:00:00 PM (CT)
Iowa State University of Science and Technology (ISU) is soliciting pricing from qualified suppliers to provide one automated mechanical tester to conduct instrumented micro-indentation and scratch testing on additive manufactured samples for the Mechanical Engineering Department.
Suppliers should read all materials carefully and note the due date.
Suppliers must direct all questions and comments in reference to this RFP/RFQ to the University Representative using the QUESTIONS tab via this e-procurement system.
All bid responses must be submitted through ISUBid.
Contact Information
Name Craig Sondgeroth Procurement Agent
Address 1340 Administrative Services Building
2221 Wanda Daley Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1004 USA
Phone 1 (515) 2949918
Fax 1 (515) 2949606 xCSONDGEROT
Bid Documents
Document name Format
Bid Invitation
Acrobat / PDF
Bid Attachments
File Name Description File Size
ISU Instructions.pdf
Review the instructions for important information. REVISED APRIL 2022 174 KB
ISU General Terms & Conditions.pdf
Review the general terms and conditions carefully and any exceptions should be listed in the "Attributes" section. REVISED MAY 2024 265 KB
Insurance Language - Equipment Repair, Install, Maintenance (low risk) 09-2020.pdf
Insurance Requirements - Equipment Repair, Install, Maintenance (low risk) 09-2020 28 KB

Attachment Preview

Automated Mechanical Tester
Issue Date: 11/1/2024
Questions Deadline: 11/7/2024 12:00 PM (CT)
Response Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
Contact Information
Contact: Craig Sondgeroth Procurement Agent
Address: 1340 Administrative Services Building
2221 Wanda Daley Drive
Ames, IA 50011-1004
Phone: 1 (515) 2949918
Fax: 1 (515) 2949606 xCSONDGEROT
Page 1 of 10 pages
Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
Event Information
Automated Mechanical Tester
Request for Quote (Public)
Issue Date:
Question Deadline: 11/7/2024 12:00 PM (CT)
Response Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
Iowa State University of Science and Technology (ISU) is soliciting pricing from
qualified suppliers to provide one automated mechanical tester to conduct
instrumented micro-indentation and scratch testing on additive manufactured
samples for the Mechanical Engineering Department.
Suppliers should read all materials carefully and note the due date.
Suppliers must direct all questions and comments in reference to this RFP/RFQ to
the University Representative using the QUESTIONS tab via this e-procurement
All bid responses must be submitted through ISUBid.
Bid Attachments
ISU Instructions.pdf
Review the instructions for important information. REVISED APRIL 2022
ISU General Terms & Conditions.pdf
Review the general terms and conditions carefully and any exceptions should be listed in the "Attributes" section.
Insurance Language - Equipment Repair, Install, Maintenance (low risk) 09-2020.pdf
Insurance Requirements - Equipment Repair, Install, Maintenance (low risk) 09-2020
Requested Attachments
Itemized Quotation
(Attachment required)
Attach itemized quotation to include shipping, installation, training, and optional components/attachments available
with pricing.
Attach a copy of the offered warranty if applicable.
Technical Datasheet
Attach a Technical Data Sheet for each component being offered if available.
Page 2 of 10 pages
Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
Bid Attributes
1 Evaluation Criteria
Ability to meet or exceed specifications
Total cost for Iowa State University
Ease of use
Availability of support
Quality of references and/or past experience
Exceptions taken to RFP Terms and conditions
I have read and understand
(Required: Check if applicable)
2 Refurbished Offering
Iowa State University will consider proposals offering refurbished equipment, provided that the equipment meets the
following conditions:
The refurbished equipment must be fully operational, restored to like-new condition, and free from significant
cosmetic damage.Warranty:
The supplier must include a minimum warranty period equivalent to that offered for new equipment, covering
all parts and labor.
Detailed documentation must be provided, including any reconditioning processes performed, replacement
parts used, and inspection/test results confirming the equipment’s performance and reliability.
The supplier must offer the same level of support and service as would be available for new equipment.
Refurbished equipment must meet all technical and safety specifications outlined in this RFQ.
I have read and understand
(Required: Check if applicable)
3 Brand Name or Equivalent
The use of a brand name or equivalent specifications is for the purpose of describing the standard of quality,
performance and characteristics desired and is not intended to limit or restrict competition. Specifications are given
as guidelines only; alternate equipment(s) may vary slightly from given specifications.
Alternate units are expected to be close in specifications to the desired unit.
I have read and understand
(Required: Check if applicable)
4 Technical Specifications
Any specifications stated are only listed to establish a basis for the minimum performance characteristics of systems
offered in response to this request for proposal. The use of these specifications is not intended to restrict
competition. ISU reserves the right to accept systems with minor variances to the specifications listed, provided that
in the opinion of ISU, the product offering is suitable to ISU as research grade analytical equipment, when compared
to compliant offers received.
Please utilize the text boxes provided after each specification on how your offer meets/exceeds/or does not meet.
Page 3 of 10 pages
Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
5 Testing Capabilities
Offering has the Ability to perform linear, multi-pass, and cyclic scratch tests.
Offering complies with ASTM and ISO standards for scratch resistance testing (please specify compliance
Offering has customizable load and scratch speed, with a broad range to accommodate various material
Offering has the ability to conduct large area fast mapping of instrumented micro-indentation.
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
6 Supplier Comment
Provide details on how offering meets/exceeds the specification above. Ff answering "no", provide alternate
specifications related to the requirements above.
(Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
7 Measurement, Precision and Future Upgrades
Offering is able to conform to the following specifications.
Can be upgraded to Nano-indentation capability in future.
High precision in scratch depth and width measurement.
Micro load range of 30N and above.
Acoustic emission sensors to detect critical scratch events for both indentation and scratch testing.
High-Definition Camera (1200 x 1600 resolution)
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
8 Supplier Comment
Provide details on how offering meets/exceeds the specification above. Ff answering "no", provide alternate
specifications related to the requirements above.
(Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
9 Control and Software
Offering is able to conform to the following specifications.
User-friendly software for setting test parameters, data acquisition, and analysis.
Capability for remote monitoring and data export in multiple formats.
Compatibility with Windows operating systems.
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
1 Supplier Comment
0 Provide details on how offering meets/exceeds the specification above. Ff answering "no", provide alternate
specifications related to the requirements above.
(Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
Page 4 of 10 pages
Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
1 Sample Accommodation
1 Offering is able to conform to the following specifications.
X and Y Motorized Tables equipped with linear optical encoders (0.1 micron positioning resolution).
Motorized Z stage. Please include maximum possible X, Y and Z stage movements in the required TDS
Clamping system to hold materials firmly without deformation.
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
1 Supplier Comment
2 Provide details on how offering meets/exceeds the specification above. Ff answering "no", provide alternate
specifications related to the requirements above.
(Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
1 Safety and Durability
3 Offering is able to conform to the following specifications.
Emergency stop feature and protective barriers as necessary.
Durable materials that withstand repetitive testing and require minimal maintenance.
Yes No
(Required: Check only one)
1 Supplier Comment
4 Provide details on how offering meets/exceeds the specification above. Ff answering "no", provide alternate
specifications related to the requirements above.
(Optional: Maximum 1000 characters allowed)
1 Technical Support
5 Please use the text box to describe customer support, hours of operation and typical response time.
(Required: Maximum 4000 characters allowed)
1 Delivery Schedule (In Days)
6 Please enter anticipated delivery in days after receipt of PO.
(Required: Numbers only)
Page 5 of 10 pages
Deadline: 11/11/2024 03:00 PM (CT)
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.
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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.