Location: | Massachusetts |
Posted: | Dec 3, 2024 |
Due: | Dec 13, 2024 |
Type of Government: | Federal |
Category: |
Solicitation No: | W911QY25SAFEDRINK |
Publication URL: | To access bid details, please log in. |
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SYNOPSIS: This Sources Sought Announcement is to assist the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center (DEVCOM-SC) to identify potential sources to provide novel methods and technology to achieve rapid biological decontamination of water for safe drinking. The Government requests responders submit a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA preproposal as outlined in DEVCOM-SC BAA W911QY-20-R-0022 located at: https://sam.gov/opp/393c9f286a354280a4d4e6dbe092dd6f/view. Please refer to Section VI - Scientific and Technical Areas of Interest, A. Combat Ration Research and Development starting on page 56. Submit the BAA preproposal to: shannon.k.mcgraw-manza.civ@army.mil, patrick.j.marek4.civ@army.mil, jean.m.trumpis.civ@army.mil and donna.m.glowka.civ@army.mil by 13 December 2024, 5:00 PM EST.
Objective: DEVCOM-SC is seeking information on technologies or capabilities to achieve rapid biological decontamination of water for safe drinking. Outcomes will provide individual warfighters or small units with technologies to generate potable water at the point of need or reduce the demand for water in connection with combat feeding operations. Developed field portable capabilities should deliver potable water in austere environments
Membrane based filtration devices for biological decontamination of water resources have drawbacks such as short-service life due to fouling, potential for breakthrough if there is filtration membrane or seal failure, and limited throughput for field feeding (i.e. individual size, potable system with hand pump). Chemical treatments can be added to water for microbial decontamination but are not fully effective against Poliovirus and provide limited protection against protozoan cysts, therefore not meeting DoD Tri- Service Drinking water standards. Additionally chemical treatments impart objectionable color, odor, and taste and do not reduce raw water turbidity on there own requiring filtration for better platability. Developing novel technologies for biological decontamination of personal water resources that do not require filtration or chemical additives we will be addressing the Combat Feeding objectives 1) Develop scalable technologies to extract potable water and/or purify existing water from all sources and 2) Develop alternative hydration technologies to augment seven-day water needs. Improvements in water purification capabilities will enhance Soldier survivability by providing a microbiologically purified source of water and by improving palatability increase the motivation to hydrate.
Desirable water disinfection/purification technology(s) will meet EPA performance standards (OCAPP 810.26008) for emergency disinfection of small quantities of drinking water of questionable potability (i.e. water sourced from lakes, streams etc. that lack bacteriological monitoring data). Water treatment throughput/rate will meet requirements set forth in the Army Water Planning Guide (2023) for potable water consumption per day but can do so with varying strategies (i.e. high flow rate at source, treatment on the move). Environmental factors affecting water consumption needs will control recommendation for application of candidate water treatment technologies. The prototype device or system should be man-portable (i.e. collapsible, foldable, compact dimensions for the dry system), total system weight of 16 ounces (dry weight), have a low power requirement and be power satisfied by various sources (photovoltaic, battery, thermoelectric generator, or human powered). Ideally a “no power” requirement would be a preferred solution. The device must be capable of being used and operated with water temperatures from 39 to120°F (4 to 49°C), in environments with temperatures from -27 to 125°F (-33 to 52°C) and produce potable water at a rate of 1.5 - 2.0 L/hr upto 16 L/day (over 8 hr).
Interested parties are invited to submit a response to this Sources Sought Announcement. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT ANNOUNCEMENT ONLY.
This Sources Sought Announcement is issued solely for information and planning purposes and to identify interested sources. THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION. No contract will be awarded from this announcement. This Sources Sought does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. It is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. Further, unsolicited proposals will not be accepted. Funding is not available at this time. The United States Army has not made a commitment to procure any of the items/services discussed, and release of this Sources Sought Announcement should not be construed as such a commitment or as authorization to incur cost for which reimbursement would be required or sought. Response to this Sources Sought Announcement is voluntary and no reimbursement will be made for any costs associated with providing information in response to this and any follow-on information requests. All submissions become Government property and will not be returned.
Not responding to this Sources Sought Announcement does not preclude participation in any future RFP if any is issued. If a solicitation is released, it will be synopsized on the beta.SAM.gov website. It is the responsibility of the potential responders to monitor this site for additional information pertaining to this subject.
Interested parties may identify their interest and capability by sending BAA preproposals regarding this requirement to DEVCOM-SC via e-mail ONLY to shannon.k.mcgraw-manza.civ@army.mil, patrick.j.marek4.civ@army.mil, jean.m.trumpis.civ@army.mil, and donna.m.glowka.civ@army.mil no later than 13 December 2024, 5:00 PM EST. The U.S. Government will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this Notice. All costs associated with responding to this Notice will be solely at the expense of the interested party.
Please provide business size (indicate your socioeconomic status), applicable NAICS code, and CAGE code.
Any questions for clarification may be emailed to shannon.k.mcgraw-manza.civ@army.mil, patrick.j.marek4.civ@army.mil, jean.m.trumpis.civ@army.mil and donna.m.glowka.civ@army.mil no later than 9 December 2024 by 5:00 p.m. EST. Verbal questions will NOT be accepted. Questions shall NOT contain proprietary or classified information. An unattributed list of questions and answers will be published at the same web location of this Sources Sought Announcement.
*** Amendment 1 ***
QUESTION: Is this a new effort or is there a previous contract?
ANSWER: This is a new effort.
Nov 22, 2024 | [Sources Sought (Original)] Rapid Biological Decontamination of Water for Safe Drinking |
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