Shredding Services

Location: Mississippi
Posted: Jan 9, 2025
Due: Jan 17, 2025
Agency: Mississippi Division of Medicaid
Type of Government: State & Local
  • R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.

Attachment Preview

Test Title



IFB# 20241108

RFx # 3160006267

Issue Date:

November 8, 2024

Bid Coordinator:

Jeanette Crawford, Procurement Officer

Telephone: 601-359-2664


Closing Date & Time:

Bids shall be received by 2:00 p.m., December 17, 2024

Closing Location:

Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM)

550 High Street, Suite 1000

Jackson, MS 39201

Table of Contents



1.1 Purpose

The Mississippi Division of Medicaid (DOM) Office of Procurement issues this Invitation for Bid (IFB) to solicit offers from qualified, experienced, responsible, and financially sound entities to provide competitive sealed bids to provide shredding services for the Central Office location and for 30 DOM Regional Office locations throughout the state. The selected vendor will assist DOM by providing monthly on-site shredding and pick-up services at the above mentioned locations.

DOM's 30 regional offices are divided into 10 regions, which have been grouped into three categories for bidding purposes, including the Central Office Location. Bidders will be allowed to submit bid amounts for one, two, or all three groups, with the lowest responsive and responsible bid amount per bidder per group being selected. If a bidder wins multiple groups, the awarded groups will be combined into one contract. Bidders may use subcontractors but remain responsible for all services. Group details are outlined in Section 2.0 of this IFB.

Any IFB provisions and/or requirements designated as “Minimum Qualifications” are mandatory and must be met. Failure to meet these minimum qualifications may result in the bid being rejected and disqualified from consideration. The Bidder is disallowed from taking exceptions to these “Minimum Qualifications”. Any exceptions and/or deviations to or from these “Minimum Qualifications” may also be cause for rejection.

Bidders will be directed to DOM’s website throughout this procurement. Please note that all historic data, if any, referenced in this IFB may be found on DOM’s website .

1.2 Authority

This IFB is issued under the authority of Title XIX (Medicaid) and Title XXI (Children’s Health Insurance Program) of the Social Security Act as amended, implementing regulations issued under the authority thereof, and under the provisions of the Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended. All prospective Contractors are charged with presumptive knowledge of all requirements of the cited authorities in this IFB. The submission of a valid executed bid by any prospective Contractor shall constitute admission of such knowledge on the part of each prospective Contractor. Any bid submitted by any prospective Contractor which fails to meet any published requirement of the cited authorities may, at the option of DOM, be rejected without further consideration.

Medicaid is a program of medical assistance for the needy administered by the states using state appropriated funds and federal matching funds within the provisions of Title XIX of the Social Security Act, as amended.

In addition, Section 1902(a)(30)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 USC §1396a(a)(30)(A)), as amended, requires that State Medicaid Agencies provide methods and procedures to safeguard against unnecessary utilization of care and services and to assure “efficiency, economy, and quality of care.”

1.3 Anticipated Timeline

The following timetable is the estimated and anticipated timetable for the IFB and procurement process. DOM reserves the right to amend the Procurement Timetable.

Figure 1.1: Procurement Timetable



November 8, 2024

Release of Invitation for Bid

November 22, 2024

Deadline for Letter of Intent and Written Questions (2:00 p.m. via email)

December 3, 2024

Anticipated Date of Posting Written Answers (by 5:00 p.m.)

December 17, 2024

Bid Deadline (by 2:00 p.m.)

December 20, 2024

Anticipated Date of Notice of Intent to Award

February 5, 2024

Public Procurement Review Board meeting date (proposed)

February 6, 2024

Contract Start

1.4 Request for Reconsideration of the Terms of the Solicitation

Any potential bidders are advised that they may request reconsideration of this solicitation. Specific guidelines and procedures for such requests can be found in Section 5.2.4 of the PPRB OPSCR Rules and Regulations.

1.5 Pre-Submission Requirements

1.5.1 Mandatory Letter of Intent

To be eligible to submit a Bid, the Bidder is required to submit Attachment B: Mandatory Letter of Intent. The Mandatory Letter of Intent is due by 2:00 p.m. CST, November 22, 2024. The Mandatory Letter of Intent must be signed by an individual authorized to commit the Bidder to the work proposed.

The Mandatory Letter of Intent shall be submitted via email to . Submission of the Mandatory Letter of Intent shall not be binding on the prospective offeror to submit a bid; however, failure to submit the Mandatory Letter of Intent by deadline listed above, will disqualify a submitted bid from consideration. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that the Mandatory Letter of Intent is delivered timely, and the Bidder bears all risks of delivery.

For the purposes of accessing DOM’s SharePoint site that will be used for submission of bids, the Bidder must include on the Mandatory Letter of Intent two (2) individuals’ email addresses for the person(s) responsible for uploading the bid to the SharePoint site. A field is included on the Mandatory Letter of Intent for that purpose. Please ensure all email addresses are typed or printed clearly for guaranteed legibility.

1.5.2 No Pre-Bid Conference

There will be no Pre-Bid Conference for this procurement.

1.5.3 IFB Questions and Answers

Multiple questions may be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m. CST, November 22, 2024, using the Question and Answer template found at . Questions must be submitted using the referenced template and sent via e-email to:, with the subject line: Shredding Services IFB – Questions. The Offeror bears all risk of delivery and all responsibility of ensuring that delivery is timely. Questions received after the deadline and Questions submitted by Offerors who do not submit a timely Mandatory Letter of Intent will not be addressed by the Division.

Written answers shall be available no later than 5:00 p.m. CST, December 3, 2024 via DOM’s procurement Website, and the Mississippi Contract/Procurement Opportunity Search portal website, . DOM will submit a register of all questions, exactly as submitted, along with the corresponding answers. The register of all questions and answers shall be issued as an Amendment to the IFB. DOM’s responses to questions will be treated as amendments to the IFB and will require acknowledgment.

Written answers provided for the questions are binding. Questions and answers shall become part of the final contract as an attachment.

1.5.4 Acknowledgement of Amendments

Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to the IFB, in writing, by signing and returning the amendment and including in the bid submission in the format as described at IFB Section 3.4.14, Bid Submission Format. This includes receipt of the Question and Answer Document. Each bidder shall submit a written acknowledgement of every amendment to DOM with the bid submission on or before the bid submission deadline.

1.6 Bid Submission Requirements

Bids shall be submitted electronically through a SharePoint site maintained by DOM. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure timely submission of its bid. Access will be given to the Bidder for up to two individual’s email addresses, which must be included in the Bidder’s Mandatory Letter of Intent, Attachment B. Bidders will only have access to their company's specific folder within SharePoint. To test the upload process, bidders can upload clearly labeled test documents (e.g., "TEST DOCUMENT"). These test documents will not be included in the evaluation and should not be removed from the SharePoint portal. All other submitted documents must be labeled as outlined in this IFB.

If there are questions about the use of the SharePoint portal for submission, email and the Procurement team at: . To prevent last minute registration/submission issues, assistance must be requested at least two (2) business days prior to the IFB due date.

Once Bidders have uploaded their test documents and/or bid responses to SharePoint, they may ask DOM to verify receipt of responses by emailing

After the deadline for bid submission, the Bidder’s access to the SharePoint site will expire. No exceptions will be made. Any attempts to submit a Bid or any modifications thereof after the deadline will be considered late and will not be considered for award.

1.6.1 Confidential/Redacted Version of Bid

If the Bid contains information that the bidder deems confidential commercial and financial information and/or trade secrets, excluded from the scope of the Mississippi Public Records Act under Mississippi Code Annotated §§ 25-61-9, 75-26-1 through 75-26-19, and/or 79-23-1, the bidder shall submit, in addition to the complete unredacted version of the bid, one (1) copy of the bid redacted in black. The redacted copy of the bid shall be in a single document and shall be clearly labeled “PUBLIC COPY” on the cover page. This file should be in a searchable Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Each page upon which confidential information appears shall be clearly marked as containing confidential information and the confidential information shall be redacted. The confidential material shall be redacted in such a way as to allow the public to determine the general nature of the material removed and redactions shall be limited to only the confidential information. To the extent possible, pages should be redacted sentence by sentence unless all material on a page is clearly confidential under the law. The Offeror shall not identify the entire Bid as confidential. The Public Copy shall also include a privilege log, which shall be located behind the cover page, and the privilege log shall show the page number of the redaction, a description of the redacted information, and the reason and authority for the redaction in accordance with the above reference Mississippi codes.

The Public Copy (redacted version) of the bid, or if a Bidder does not produce a redacted version of the bid (full unredacted version) will be produced as a public record exactly as submitted and immediately released, without notification, at DOM’s sole discretion pursuant to any request under the Mississippi Public Records Act, Miss. Code Ann. §§25-61-1 et seq. and Miss. Code Ann. §79-23-1. DOM may use public/redacted copies for various purposes, such as posting on DOM’s website and promoting transparency by publicly posting on the Transparency Mississippi website.

Bidders may be subject to exclusion pursuant to Section 15 of the Public Procurement Review Board Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations, effective September 6, 2024 (PPRB Rules or PPRB OPSCR Rules and Regulations), if the Agency or PPRB determines that redactions made by the bidder were made in bad faith in order to prohibit public access to the portions of the bid which are not subject to Mississippi Code Annotated §§25-61-9, 75-26-1 through 75-26-19, and/or 79-23-1.

1.7 Expenses Incurred in Preparing Bid

All parties participating in the procurement process/preparation of bid with regard to this IFB shall bear their own costs of participation, pursuant to Section 1.4.4, PPRB OPSCR Rules and Regulations.

1.8 Type of Contract

Compensation for services shall be in the form of a firm fixed-rate agreement, which provides a price that is not subject to adjustment because of variations in the contractor’s cost of performing the work specified in the contract.

1.9 Written Bids

All bids shall be in writing.

1.10 Eligibility and Minimum Qualifications

1.10.1 Organizations Eligible to Submit Bids (Attachment C – Bid Form)

To be eligible to submit a bid, a Bidder shall certify to each requirement as specified in “Attachment C – Bid Form”, by signing and acknowledging the statements in the bid form.

All pricing shall be submitted on the Attachment C - Bid Form, which includes bid certifications and attestations. Failure to complete and/or sign the bid form may result in the Bidder being determined non-responsive. Cost included elsewhere in the Bidder’s submission will not be considered a cost for the contract and will not be paid. The narrative and supporting documentation required in 1.10.2 Minimum Qualifications and 1.10.3 Capability to Provide Services must be included with the Bid Form submission to be considered complete.

1.10.2 Minimum Qualifications (Attachment C: Addendum 1)

Bidders shall be deemed responsive if all the following minimum qualifications are met. Bidders shall provide written, detailed validation describing Bidder’s ability to meet each of the qualifications as an addendum to Attachment C entitled, “Attachment C: Addendum 1: Minimum Qualifications”.

1. Bidder Experience Requirement: Bidder must have a minimum of three (3) years of experience providing shredding services. To demonstrate their expertise, bidder should provide a comprehensive list of relevant projects (completed and ongoing) within the past three (3) years to include no less than one (1) client to whom you handled and destroyed sensitive or confidential data. This list should include client names, duration of contract, a project description for each project (onsite and/or off-site shredding services), an indication of whether the shredded data was considered sensitive or confidential and the number of locations serviced for each project. Additionally, identify your largest client (based on number of locations served) during that period and provide same project details as above.

2. Bidder Certification: Bidder must be certified by a recognized organization, such as NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) and comply with all relevant data protection regulations (e.g., HIPAA) to ensure handling of sensitive information. Please provide supporting documentation of any certification(s).

3. References: The Bidder shall provide reference contacts from at least three (3) business clients from the projects list required in (1) above in Attachment E, References. References are not required to be included in Attachment C. Bidder may submit as many reference contacts as desired by submitting additional copies of Attachment E. Reference contacts shall be contacted in order listed until two (2) references identified as meeting the minimum qualifications have been contacted and Reference Survey Score Sheets are completed. No further references shall be contacted; however, Bidders are encouraged to submit additional references to ensure that at least two (2) references are available for interview. DOM staff shall be able to contact two references within three (3) business days of bid opening or the Bidder may be rejected.

a. These Bidder-provided references shall be familiar with and be able to speak to the Bidder's abilities as it relates to Bidder's past or current performance. The Bidder is solely responsible to ensure that reference contact information is correct and current and that the reference contact has the knowledge and authority to speak to the Bidder's performance on past or current projects for this reference check.

b. If sub-contractors are proposed, at least three (3) business clients for the sub-contractor must be provided as detailed above, in addition to the contractor supplying three (3) references. Additionally, two references of the subcontractors will be contacts as well and reference score sheets completed. If subcontractors will be used, a total of four (4) references will need to be available for interview (two for bidder and two for subcontractor).

c. Bidder must score a minimum of nine (9) points on each Reference Survey Score Sheet to be utilized by DOM Procurement staff when interviewing Bidder-provided references. A total reference score of 18 points (combined minimum scoring of nine (9) points for each of the individual Reference Survey Score Sheets) is required to be considered responsive and/or responsible.

4. Bidder Litigation: Bidder shall provide a list of current litigation and any closed litigation within the last 3 years for contractual services for performing shredding services. If no list litigation exists, please provide a sheet stating that there is no litigation current or closed within the last three (3) years.

5. Financial Stability or Solvency: To demonstrate Bidder's financial stability and solvency, each Bidder shall submit copies of the most recent year’s independently audited financial statements as well as financial statements for the preceding three (3) years if they exist. The submission must include the auditor’s opinion, the balance sheet, and statements of income, statement of owner’s equity, cash flows, and the notes to the financial statements. If independently audited financial statements do not exist, Bidder must state the reason and, instead submit sufficient information to enable DOM to assess the financial stability or solvency of the Bidder, such as financial statements, credit ratings, a line of credit, or other financial arrangements sufficient to enable the Bidder to be capable of meeting the requirements of this IFB. Follow Bid Submission Format for financial statements at Section 3.4.14.

Bidders must fully respond to each requirement by fully describing the manner and degree by which the bid meets or exceeds these qualifications or completing the required attestation. If a Bidder is unable to meet or exceed these qualifications or otherwise comply with minimum qualification requirements, then the Bidder will be disqualified.

1.10.3 Capability to Provide Services (Attachment C: Addendum 2)

In order for a bid to be deemed Responsible, Bidder shall provide written descriptions that clearly demonstrate its capability to meet the requirements as outlined in Section 2: Scope of Services, as a narrative addendum to Attachment C entitled, “Attachment C: Addendum 2: Capability to Provide Services”.

1. Bidder Experience and Capabilities: Provide a narrative, detailed description, no longer than 2 pages, stating in detail the Bidder’s experience administering document shredding services, including:

a. Years in business: How long has the bidder been operating in the document shredding industry;

b. Fleet: How many vehicles are available for document pick-up and destruction;

c. Subcontractor(s): Will the bidder use subcontractors to perform any aspects of the service;

d. On-site Bins: Can the Bidder provide four locked bins per location that will remain onsite throughout the contract? Will the bidder be able to meet the bin size requirement? A master key for these bins should be provided to the location manager. Will the vendor be able to accommodate the up to 100 95-96 gallon bin pick up each month per location; and

e. Acceptable Material: What condition of paper will be accepted for shredding? Can other media (e.g., CDs, DVDs, USBs, other media) also be collected and destroyed?

2. Document Destruction and Security Measures: Provide a narrative description, no longer than 2 pages, of the Bidder's capabilities in securely destroying personal health information (PHI). This should include information about the shredding methods used, the security precautions taken during the shredding process, and the Bidder's ability to provide a Certificate of Destruction upon completion of each shredding service.

3. Shredding Service Process: Provide a narrative description, no more than 2 pages, describing the Bidder’s typical scheduling process for the monthly shredding service.

4. Contractor Representative Requirements: Provide a narrative description, no more than 1 page, of the background check process used for contractor representatives who make document pickups. Specify the type of background check conducted (e.g., criminal history, credit check, reference verification) and the level of detail included. Additionally, indicate whether contractor representatives will be required to wear a uniform or carry identification that clearly identifies them as affiliated with the contractor.

1.11 Accuracy of Statistical Data

If applicable, all statistical information provided by DOM in relation to this IFB represents the best and most accurate information available to DOM from DOM records at the time of the IFB preparation. DOM, however, disclaims any responsibility for the inaccuracy of such data. Should any element of such data later be discovered to be inaccurate, such inaccuracy shall not constitute a basis for contract rejection by any Bidder. Neither shall such inaccuracy constitute a basis for renegotiation of any payment rate after contract award. Statistical information concerning DOM operations is available on DOM’s website.

1.12 Procurement Regulations

This solicitation shall be governed by the applicable provisions of the Public Procurement Review Board Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations, a copy of which is available on the Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration’s website ( Any bidder responding to a solicitation for personal and professional services and any contractor doing business with a state Agency is deemed to be on notice of all requirements therein.

1.13 Property Rights

Property rights do not inure to any Bidder until such time as services have been provided under a legally executed contract. No party responding to this IFB has a legitimate claim of entitlement to be awarded a contract or to the provision of work thereunder. DOM is under no obligation to award a contract and may terminate a legally executed contract at any time.

1.14 Electronic Availability

The materials listed below are on the Internet for informational purposes only. This electronic access is a supplement to the procurement process and is not an alternative to official requirements outlined in this IFB.

This IFB, any amendments thereto, and IFB Questions and Answers (following official written release) shall be posted on the Procurement page of the DOM website at: . Information concerning services covered by Mississippi Medicaid and a description of the DOM organization and functions can also be found on the Procurement page of the DOM website.

DOM’s website is and contains Annual Reports, Provider Manuals, Bulletins and other information. The DOM Annual Report Summary provides information on beneficiary enrollment, program funding, and expenditures broken down by types of services covered in the Mississippi Medicaid program for the respective fiscal years.

The State of Mississippi website is: .

Mississippi’s Accountability System for Government Information and Collaboration (MAGIC) system information can be found at . MAGIC can be used to register as a supplier to allow businesses to receive upcoming RFX opportunity notifications based on the product categories requested by the supplier. Businesses can search the MAGIC system for upcoming RFXs, respond electronically to some solicitations and receive purchase orders by email. If you are interested in registering, please visit .

Information regarding Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services’ (MS ITS) Enterprise Security Policy can be found at: Secretary of State Administrative Bulletin/Enterprise Security Policy .

Information regarding Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services’ (MS ITS) Cloud Enterprise Security Policy can be found at: Secretary of State Administrative Bulletin/Cloud Enterprise Security Policy .

Rules and Regulations of the Public Procurement Review Board, Office of Personal Services Contract Review Board can be found at .

The Mississippi Code of 1972 covers all sections of and amendments to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Mississippi. Access to the Mississippi Code can be .


The DOM Office of Eligibility is in need of document shredding services for one Central Office and all 30 DOM Regional Office locations throughout the State of Mississippi.

DOM intends to award one to three contract(s) for the services required herein. DOM further reserves the right to reject any and all responses to this solicitation at any point during the evaluation, awarding, or negotiation process.

The term for the services required herein shall begin on February 6, 2025, and end on February 5, 2026.

2.1 Scope of Services

The Scope of Services describes the performance requirements for the Bidder. Bidder shall provide a written response as required under Section 1.10, Eligibility and Minimum Qualifications, indicating its understanding of these requirements and its ability to meet these requirements. This written response should be Addendum 2 to the bid form in Attachment C. See the requirement for “Capability to Provide Services” in Section 1.10.3.

DOM reserves the right to make appropriate adjustments in the Scope of Services by written agreement between DOM and the Bidder on an as needed basis.

2.1.1 Bidding Requirements

DOM's 30 regional offices are organized into 10 distinct regions. To facilitate the bidding process, these 10 regions and the Central Office Locations are organized into three groups. Bidders shall submit bid amounts for one, two, or all three groups. However, the lowest, responsive and responsible bid per group will be selected for award. In the event that a single bidder is awarded as the responsive and responsible bid at the lowest price for multiple groups, these groups may be consolidated into a single contract. Bidders may utilize subcontractors in their bid responses; however, the bidder is the primary contractor and shall remain responsible for all services, including those delivered by subcontractors. A detailed breakdown of these groups is outlined in Figure 1.2 below. Additionally, Attachment C, the Bid Form of this IFB, allows for bidding on the individual groups.

Figure 1.2 Bidding Groups by Region and Central Office Locations

Bidding Group Name

Regional and Central Office Breakdown

Group A

Regions 1, 2, 3, 6, and 10 (Total 15 Offices)

Group B

Regions 4, 8, and the Central Office Location (Total Seven Offices)

Group C

Regions 5, 7, and 9 (Total Nine Offices)

(See Attachment I – DOM Central and Regional Office Locations for region breakdown)

2.1.2 General Requirements

Bidder shall provide DOM with professional document destruction services for the Central Office and all 30 DOM Regional locations listed in Attachment I, DOM Central and Regional Office Locations. Documents to be shredded contain Personal Health Information, and therefore the documents shall be disposed of in a secure and confidential manner.

1. Bidders shall provide monthly on-site shredding services for the Central Office and each Regional Office location to support DOM's document scanning initiatives. The service shall accommodate a monthly collection of up to 100 95-96 gallon rolling bins per location per month. Additionally, four (4) 95-96 gallon rolling bins will remain on-site at each location for paper collection and storage and be included in the monthly 100-bin collection limit. The volume of documents varies between each of our Office locations.

2. Bidder shall maintain all bins in operable condition, replacing locks, lids, handles, etc. as needed at no cost to DOM. Contractor shall replace damaged containers at no additional charge to DOM. A master key should be provided to each Regional Office Manager and the Central Office Manager.

3. The Central Office and the DOM Regional Offices will primarily have paper material (office papers, computer paper, colored paper, file folders, envelopes, etc.). Bidder should disclose the condition of documents to be accepted for shredding.

4. Bidder shall provide a list of other types of media that can be collected and destroyed.

5. Shredding pick-ups must be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. Specific dates and times will be arranged in coordination with each of the Office locations and the contractor. Shredding pick-ups will generally occur on the same day of the week, unless the contractor provides at least 24 hours' notice to schedule a different day. The contractor will coordinate with the Office Manager to determine the rescheduled pick-up day.

6. Immediately following the completion of each document shredding service, the Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Destruction to the specific Office location where the shredding took place.

7. The frequency of pickups and schedule may be adjusted at any time by DOM to better compliment DOM’s requirements. DOM shall be charged the rates provided on the bid form only upon the completion of a scheduled pick-up and destruction of material. DOM has the sole right to cancel any scheduled pickup/delivery without charge or penalty up to 2 days prior to scheduled pick up. DOM shall have no obligation to Contractor if no scheduled services are required. The frequency is only an estimate, and Contractor understands and agrees that DOM is under no obligation to Contractor to continue the amount or frequency of the services as a result of having provided this estimate or having any typical or measurable requirement in the past.

8. The Contractor may subcontract services at no additional cost to DOM. If contractor chooses to subcontract any of the locations listed in Attachment I, DOM Central and Regional Office Locations, the Contractor will be responsible for oversite of subcontractor operations. No delegation of responsibility, whether by subcontract or otherwise, shall terminate or limit in any way the liability of the Contractor to perform the services in the IFB. Subcontract agreements for services hereunder shall be subject to and controlled by the terms and conditions of the Contract between DOM and the Contractor. DOM will make contract payments only to the Contractor.

9. All contractor representatives who make document pickups must wear a standard uniform or carry identification that clearly indicates their affiliation with the contractor. These representatives must also be bonded and have undergone background checks. DOM personnel will accompany contractor representatives to the collection bins during pickups.

2.2 Travel

All travel performed in conjunction with performing the responsibilities of this Contract should be included in the operations costs as necessary.

2.3 Contractor Payment

The Contractor is solely responsible for fulfillment of the contract terms with DOM. DOM will make contract payments only to the Contractor.

The Contractor shall be paid monthly in accordance with the Contractor’s bid price proposal which shall be a firm and fixed price, unless otherwise specified, for the period of the Contract. The Contract award will be based on the submitted price per year and the total amount payable under the Contract will not exceed the submitted price per year.

Payments will be based on submitted invoices. The invoice format must be agreed upon by DOM and the contractor and should include, at a minimum, an invoice number, client information, and a detailed description of the work performed (including dates of service, pickup locations, and type of shredding). To streamline the payment process, DOM requires a single monthly invoice that includes the total cost for all locations. In addition to the applicable Certificates of Destruction, this invoice must be accompanied by a spreadsheet or report detailing the services provided at each location during the month.



3.1 Approach

This IFB is designed to provide the Bidder with the information necessary to prepare a competitive Bid. The IFB process is designed to give DOM a quality service at the lowest price from a responsive and responsible Bidder. DOM reserves the right to interpret the language of this IFB or its requirements in a manner that is in the best interest of the State.

DOM shall ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons and Bidders in regard to the procurement process. The procurement process provides for the evaluation of the IFB and selection of the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder in accordance with Federal and State laws and regulations. Specifically, the procurement process is guided by appropriate provisions of the Mississippi Public Procurement Review Board Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations.

Submission of a sealed bid in response to this IFB constitutes acceptance of the following:

1. The conditions governing the procurement process,

2. The bidder meeting eligibility and minimum qualifications described in Section 1.10 of this IFB,

3. The price submission methodology in Attachment C, Bid Form, and

4. Certification that the Bidder’s submitted bid is firm and binding for 180 calendar days after due date.

No public disclosure or news release pertaining to this procurement shall be made without prior written approval of DOM. Failure to comply with this provision may result in the Bidder being disqualified.

3.2 Multi-Term Contracts

Unless otherwise provided by law, a contract for personal and professional services may be entered into for a maximum period of performance of five years. Multi-term contracts are those contracts which (1) have a period of performance lasting more than one year; (2) have a period of performance which spans two or more state fiscal years; and/or (3) have renewal clauses which, if exercised, would make the period of performance more than one year or make the period of performance span two or more state fiscal years.

This solicitation does not provide for a multi-term contract. This contract for services may be entered into for a period of time not to exceed one (1) year.

3.3 Rules of Procurement

To facilitate the DOM procurement, various rules have been established and are described in the following sub-sections.

Additionally, this procurement is governed by the Mississippi Public Procurement Review Board Office of Personal Service Contract Review Rules and Regulations, effective date September 6, 2024, located on this website:, the requirements of Miss. Code Ann. §§ 31-7-401 through -423, and any other applicable law.

All applicable rules, regulations, and legal authorities will be applied as necessary in this procurement, regardless of whether it is specifically stated herein.

3.3.1 Restrictions on Communications with DOM staff

From the issue date of this IFB until a Contractor is selected and the contract is signed, Bidders and/or their representatives are not allowed to communicate with any DOM staff regarding this procurement except the IFB Issuing Officer. For violation of this provision, DOM shall reserve the right to reject any bid.

3.3.2 Amendments to this IFB

DOM reserves the right to amend the IFB at any time. All amendments shall be posted to the DOM website at and the Mississippi Contract/Procurement Opportunity Search Portal website, . It is the Bidder’s responsibility to check DOM’s website periodically for notices or addendums before the bid opening date.

Amendments to the IFB shall be identified as such and shall require that the Bidder acknowledge receipt thereof. The amendment shall reference the portions of the IFB it amends. Question and Answer documents shall be treated in the same manner as amendments.

3.3.3 Acceptance of Bids

After receipt of the bids, DOM reserves the right to award the contract(s) based on the terms, conditions, and premises of the IFB and the bid of the selected Contractor without negotiation.

DOM reserves the right to exclude any and all non-responsive bids from any consideration for contract award. DOM shall award a firm fixed price contract to the lowest Bidder whose offer is responsive to the IFB.

3.4 Bid Evaluation

Only objectively measurable criteria set forth in this IFB shall be applied in bid evaluation. Criteria not set forth in this IFB may not be used to evaluate the bids. The contract(s) may only be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s).

In order to determine which bidder is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, DOM shall evaluate: (1) whether each bidder was responsive and provided all required information in the format required by the IFB; (2) whether each bidder is responsible and objectively meets the minimum qualifications or other criteria listed in the IFB required to determine whether the bidder has the skills, experience, and/or qualifications to successfully provide the services; and (3) which of the responsive and responsible bidders submitted the lowest overall price.

3.4.1 Responsive Bidder

Bidder must submit a bid which conforms in all material respects to the IFB requirements. Non-responsive bids shall be rejected.

3.4.2 Responsible Bidder

Bidder must meet the minimum qualifications established by DOM which were included in the IFB. The established minimum qualifications are aimed at determining whether a vendor has the capability in all respects to fully perform the contract requirements, determining whether a vendor has the integrity and reliability which will assure good faith performance, and reducing the risk of a subsequent default or unsatisfactory performance by a vendor which would result in additional administrative costs to DOM. Bid responses that do not meet the minimum qualifications shall be rejected.

3.4.3 Bid Modification and Withdrawal

Bidders may modify or withdraw their bids under certain conditions. To the extent it is not contrary to the interest of DOM or the fair treatment of other bidders, any bidder may withdraw his bid and submit a modified bid at any point prior to the bid submission deadline. Modified bids shall not be opened until the bid opening. Unless the IFB provides otherwise, any bidder submitting more than one bid will be deemed to have withdrawn the bid submitted earlier in time in favor of the bid submitted later in time.

A bidder may withdraw a bid at any time by written notice to DOM official designated in the IFB. If any such withdrawal occurs by the successful bidder(s) after the bid opening and/or issuance of the Notice of the Intent to Award, DOM may cancel the solicitation or proceed with award of a contract as if the withdrawn bid had not been submitted.

Unless requested by DOM, no other amendments, revisions, or alterations to bids shall be accepted after the bid due date.

Any submitted bid shall remain a valid bid for 180 calendar days from the bid due date.

3.4.4 Confirmation of Bid

When DOM knows or has reason to conclude that a mistake has been made, DOM may request the bidder to confirm the bid. Situations in which confirmation may be requested include obvious, apparent errors on the face of the bid or a bid which is unreasonably lower than the other bids submitted. If the bidder alleges a mistake, the bid shall be considered withdrawn unless correction meets the definition of a minor informality. DOM shall have the sole discretion as to whether confirmation of a bid is warranted, but DOM shall exercise that discretion in a manner that is fair to all bidders.

3.4.5 Minor Informalities and Irregularities

DOM has the right to waive minor defects or variations of a bid from the exact requirements of the specifications that do not affect the price, quality, quantity, delivery, or performance of the services being procured and if doing so does not create an unfair advantage for any bidder. If insufficient information is submitted by a bidder for DOM to properly evaluate the offer, DOM has the right to require such additional information as it may deem necessary after the submission deadline, provided that the information requested does not change the price, quality, quantity, delivery, or performance time of the services being procured and such a request does not create an unfair advantage for any bidder.

3.4.6 Receipt of Acknowledgement of Amendments

Written acknowledgement of all amendments to the IFB shall be received from all bidders prior to issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award.

DOM may, at its discretion, allow bidders to submit missing acknowledgements after the bid submission deadline but prior to issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award. This decision will be made fairly for all bidders. Any bidder who does not provide DOM acknowledgement(s) of every amendment issued may be deemed non-responsive and not eligible for award.

3.4.7 Multiple or Alternate Bids

Each Bidder, its subsidiaries, affiliates, or related entities shall be limited to one bid which is responsive to the requirements of this IFB. Failure to submit a responsive bid shall result in the rejection of the bid. Submission of more than one bid by a Bidder may, at the discretion of DOM, result in the summary rejection of all bids submitted. A bid shall not include variable or multiple pricing options.

3.4.8 Bidder Submitting More Comprehensive Services

The contract shall be awarded to the bidder who submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid based on the criteria set forth in the IFB. DOM will only consider the specific services outlined in the IFB when evaluating bids. Any additional services offered by bidders will not be factored into the contract award decision. However, DOM may accept unsolicited services if they are provided at no cost to DOM and if the bidder would have been selected for contract award even without offering these extra services.

3.4.9 Low Tie Bids

Low tie bids exist when two or more responsive and responsible bidders submit identical, lowest overall bids that meet all IFB requirements. In such cases, DOM will determine the winning bidder according to the procedures outlined in Section 5.5.8, Low Tie Bids, of the PPRB OPSCR Rules and Regulations.

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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.