On-Site (Mobile) Industrial Hearing Evaluations with Reports and Summaries

Location: New York
Posted: Jan 14, 2025
Due: Jan 30, 2025
Agency: Steuben County
Type of Government: State & Local
  • B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D
  • Q - Medical Services
  • R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services
Solicitation No: GC-25-001-Q
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
Bid Number: GC-25-001-Q
Bid Title: On-Site (Mobile) Industrial Hearing Evaluations with Reports and Summaries
Category: General County Bids
Status: Open
Publication Date/Time:
1/13/2025 12:00 AM
Closing Date/Time:
1/30/2025 1:30 PM
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Attachment Preview

3 East Pulteney Square
Bath, New York 14810
Request for Quotation
On-Site (Mobile) Industrial Hearing Evaluations with Reports and Summaries;
Document #GC-25-001-Q
Notice is hereby given that the Public Works Committee of the Steuben County Legislature and the
Steuben County Department of Public Works will receive quotes per specifications for On-Site
(Mobile) Industrial Hearing Evaluations with Reports and Summaries.
Specifications and proposal forms are available at the Steuben County Purchasing Department, 3 East
Pulteney Square, Bath, New York 14810. Telephone number: 607-664-2484. These documents are
also available on the Steuben County website at www.steubencountyny.org.
Interested parties assume all responsibility and must satisfy themselves that their request for mailed
specifications is executed.
Quotations on our prepared forms will be received until 1:30 P.M. local time on January 30, 2025 at
the Purchasing Department, at which time they will be opened and publicly read.
Interested parties may contact Andrew G. Morse, Steuben County Department of Purchasing, 3 East
Pulteney Square, Bath, New York 14810. Telephone number: (607)-664-2484.
January 3, 2025
Andrew G. Morse
Director of Purchasing
Request for Quotation
On-Site (Mobile) Industrial Hearing Evaluations with Reports and Summaries
Document #GC-25-001-Q
1. Project Description:
Steuben County requests a quote for the following services:
One Day per Year, On-Site Mobile Industrial Hearing Evaluation Services with Program
Oversight, Reports and Summaries, and Standard Threshold Shift Review and Reporting. The
quote shall be for the evaluation of 120 to 150 people, with an additional per-person rate over
150 people.
Location of On-Site Testing: Steuben County Department of Public Works, Mt. Washington
Shop (Station #3), 7029 County Route 113 Bath, New York 14810
Additional requirements:
1. All evaluations shall be performed in compliance with OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95, as well as
Steuben County policy.
2. Establish baseline evaluation for employees within 1 (one) year of employment.
3. Evaluated employees shall be informed, in writing, of an explanation of the evaluation
results, and will receive said results when signed for at the Steuben County office that
receives employee health records.
4. A baseline comparison shall be made with each annual evaluation verifying test validity
and determining the presence of a Standard Threshold Shift (STS) with permitted age
correction allowance.
5. Upon discovery of a STS, the vendor will notify Steuben County that the employee must
be re-evaluated by a local audiologist within 30 days from the original test. This time
provision is exempted if a medical or other reason mandates an extension of time.
Steuben County is responsible for supplying the evaluation to the local audiologist for
6. A physician or audiologist will determine the need for further testing for identified
problem audiograms. The physician or audiologist may be required to determine the
work relatedness of the STS.
7. Frequencies at which the evaluations of each ear will be performed at are: 500, 1000,
2000, 3000, 4000, and 6000 Hz.
8. Audiometer shall meet ANSI s3.6-1969 and, pulse-tone and self-recording audiometers
shall meet 29 CFR 1910.95 Appendix C requirements.
9. The hearing evaluation company shall maintain records of:
1) Employee name, number, and position
2) Date of audiogram
3) Testing conductor’s name
4) Date of most recent acoustic or exhaustive calibration
5) Employee’s most recent noise exposure
10. All testing results and other information shall be in protected digital format and
provided to the Steuben County department responsible for maintaining employee
health records.
11. Quotation will include but, not be limited to, CAOHC credentials for staff performing
audiometric exams as well as certification or licensure documents for any physician or
audiologist with oversight of this program.
This person should also be certified by CAOHC in Professional Services concerning
occupational hearing.
12. The audiologist must be a licensed and/or certified doctor of audiology and be certified
as a professional supervisor of audiometric monitoring programs. They must also be
able to show knowledge of occupational audiometric problems, and be knowledgeable
in OSHA and PESH regulations.
13. Examiners performing tests shall be a Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationist.
2. Award of Quote:
For the purposes of this quote and subsequent award(s), it is intended that award(s) be made
to the lowest total price quoted.
a. Award(s) shall only be made to quotes submitted by qualified, responsive and responsible
responders who sufficiently meet the terms, conditions and specifications stated herein.
However, under all circumstances and all statements to the contrary notwithstanding,
Steuben County reserves as its right, the right to determine award(s)/awardee(s) in
accordance with the best interest of Steuben County.
b. Award of the quote is not made at the quote opening. Receipt of quotes by the County
shall not be construed as authority to bind the County.
3. Regulations and Permits:
The contractor shall comply with all provisions of the rules, regulations and orders of the
Federal, State and local governmental agencies applicable to the work under this contract. It
shall be the obligation of the contractor to keep informed of all government regulations.
Contractor shall apply and pay for any and all permits and licenses that may be required under
this contract.
4. Addendum/addenda:
a) If an addendum has been issued prior to the County’s receipt of quotes Steuben County
shall attempt to notify potential responders known to have received these documents
and whose contact information is on file with the County.
Steuben County does not ensure the potential responder receipt of addendum.
It shall be the responsibility of each responder, prior to submitting its quote to contact
the Director of Purchasing, 607-664-2484, to determine if an addendum has been
b) Addenda shall be available for review and/or copy at the Purchasing Department,
Steuben County Office Building, 3 East Pulteney Square, Bath, NY.
c) Contractors are required to sign, date, and include the addendum with their quote
5. Insurance:
a) This quote document includes an information sheet entitled: Steuben County Standard
Insurance Requirements and Certificate of NYS Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Coverage. These requirements establish the minimum insurance(s) which the
awardee(s) shall have in effect prior to entering into a contract to do business with
Steuben County. Said insurance(s) are required to remain in effect throughout the term
of the contract(s). In the event that the awardee’s insurance lapses during the term of
the contract, the County reserves, as its right, the right to cancel the awardee’s
contract(s) and to purchase the contracted product(s)/ service(s) on the open market;
with any increase in cost(s) to Steuben County being charged to the awardee. Credit
shall not be issued to the awardee where open market cost(s) to the County are less
than the cost(s) contracted with the awardee.
b) Additional Insured, Certificate Holder and Document Number-
1) Steuben County shall be named as an additional insured for purposes of
coverage on a direct, primary, and non-contributory basis in the contractor’s
policy for all intents and purposes of contract(s) issued as a result of an award of
this quote.
Additional insured shall only read asSteuben County, 3 East Pulteney Square,
Bath, NY 14810.
2) Certificate Holder shall only read asSteuben County, 3 East Pulteney Square,
Bath, NY 14810.
3) The document number and the quote shall be referenced in the description /
additional comments section of the Certificate of Insurance form.
c) Each awardee shall submit an original of its Certificate of Insurance and NYS Worker’s
Compensation Insurance Coverage form (which indicates the contractor’s compliance
with the above sections to the following: Steuben County Buildings & Grounds
Department, 3 East Pulteney Square, Bath, New York 14810.
d) The Certificate of Insurance and NYS Worker’s Compensation Insurance Coverage form
must be approved by the Steuben County Risk Manager prior to the contractor’s acting
on and/or performing any of the obligations it incurred as a result of the award and/or
e) Self-employed persons must carry such Worker’s Compensation coverage as directed by
the Steuben County Risk Manager. Awardee shall submit an original Certificate of NYS
Worker’s Compensation Insurance Coverage form which indicated the contractor’s
compliance, to be approved by the County Risk Manager prior to the contractor’s acting
on and/or performing any of the obligations it incurred as a result of the award and/or
f) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Exemption— Contractors claiming to be exempt from
the requirement to carry/provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance shall submit a fully
executed CE-200 form; the form to be complete, notarized, and stamped as received
by the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board.
g) OSHA TrainingWherein a contractor and Steuben County are both parties to a
contract involving a public works project with an aggregate dollar value of two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000.00) or more; said contract shall be understood, by
all parties, to include “the provisions that all of the contractor’s and sub contractors
laborers, workers, and mechanics shall be certified as having successfully completed a
ten (10) hour OSHA approved course in construction safety and health.” Such
requirement having been mandated by the New York State Laws of 2007, chapter 282.
In those instances where a bid/RFP/quote submittal is required, said certification(s)
shall be included with the bidder’s/proposer’s/responder’s submittal. The contractor
shall not allow participation in the contracted work by its non-certified staff; i.e. all of
the contractor’s non-certified laborers, workers, and mechanics.
6. Labor Rates:
In accordance with the provisions of the New York State Labor Law, the wages and
supplements to be paid by the contractor to workers, laborers and mechanics for work
performed pursuant to the terms of the contract as shall be awarded as a result of this
solicitation shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages, including supplements in effect
at the time the contract work is performed. Steuben County has applied to the New York
State Department of Labor for a wage rate determination for this project and a prevailing
wage rate case has been opened. A copy of the prevailing rate schedule with the current
schedule of wages and supplements to be paid for work performed pursuant to said contract,
as provided by the Commissioner of Labor, is included in Appendix “A” to these specifications.
At its expiration, the County will apply for an extension to the estimated completion date. It is
understood and agreed, however, that the said schedule is subject to revision by the
Commissioner of Labor and that the contractor shall be obligated to and shall pay to all
workers, laborers and mechanics not less than the wages and supplements outlined in the
schedule which shall be in effect at the time the work under this resulting contract is
performed. Such revised schedule(s) shall be annexed to and form part of the resulting
contract for the work.
In the event that any other occupation not mentioned in the annexed schedule of the
classifications shall be required in the execution of the aforesaid work, supplementary wage
schedules shall be requested from the Commissioner of Labor and such supplementary
schedules shall, upon notice of the contractor, become and be a part of the wage schedule
embodied in the resulting contract.
The most current schedule of wages shall be posted at the job site as required by law.
It is suggested that contractors familiarize themselves with all the other requirements of the
New York State Labor Law.
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.
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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only for convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.