Central Boone Co. Phase 2 Pump Stations and Force Main
Sanitation District No. 1 (Owner) is requesting bids for the construction of the following Project:
Central Boone Co. Phase 2 Pump Stations and Force Main
Electronic Bids for the construction of the Project will be accepted electronically on the Quest CDN
website from October 15, 2024 until October 22, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST. At that time, the Bids received
will be publicly opened and read. The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive
informalities and to negotiate with the apparent lowest, responsive, responsible bidder to such extent as
may be in the OWNER’S best interest.
The project generally consists of, but is not limited to providing all labor, equipment, materials, supplies,
tools, and supervision necessary to complete the construction of two pumping facilities, sanitary sewer
force main, sanitary sewer gravity main, electrical equipment, site improvements at each pumping facility,
and all other appurtenant and miscellaneous work required to satisfy the design as shown on the Contract
Documents prepared by Tetra Tech, Inc.
The Work is located along Easton Lane and Woolper Road in Petersburg within the Owner’s service area
in Boone County, Kentucky.
Bids shall be on a lump sum/unit price basis.
Obtaining the Bidding Documents
Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found by going to www.sd1.org, hover over
“How Do I…”, and then click Submit a form or application. Click “Bids/RFPs/RFQs”, then click on Quest
CDN Electronic Bid Online Interface in the green section on the left side of the screen. This project is
listed as Quest Project # 9315027. These Bid Documents can also be viewed at the following locations:
F. W. Dodge Corp., McGraw Hill, Inc. http://dodgeprojects.construction.com/
Allied Construction Industries http://www.aci-construction.org/construction-connection.html
Builders Exchange - Cincinnati, OH https://www.bxohio.com/
Copies of the bidding Documents must be downloaded by registering with Quest CDN online at
www.questcdn.com or calling 952-233-1632. The website will be updated periodically with addenda and
other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other
Bidding Documents will be offered only through the Quest CDN website. Neither the OWNER nor the
ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including any addenda,
obtained from other sources.
To submit a Bid, the Bidder must be a Plan Holder. To be considered a Plan Holder, a bidder must
complete registration and purchase the Bid Documents in digital form for downloading, at a cost of $42.00
(there is no additional charge to submit a bid). Plan Holders will receive addenda and other bid document
updates via Quest CDN at no additional charge.
EJCDC® C-111, Advertisement for Bids for Construction Contract.
Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,
and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.
Central Boone Co. Phase 2 Pump Stations and Force Main
For this solicitation, bids will ONLY be received and accepted via the online electronic bid service through
QuestCDN.com. To access the electronic bid worksheet, download the bid documents and click on
“Online Bidding” at the top of the advertisement.
A pre-bid conference for the Project will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 10:00 AM local
time at SD1’s main office at 1045 Eaton Drive, Ft. Wright, KY and online via Microsoft Teams (link
below). All interested bidding contractors are strongly encouraged to attend. The Sanitation District No.
1’s specific expectations, procedures, and requirements for this project will be discussed.
All questions regarding the bidding of this project MUST be sent via email to Brandy Miller, SD1
Procurement Manager, at bmiller@sd1.org.
Contractor and all Subcontractors will be required to conform to the labor standards set forth in the
Contract Documents.
Effective immediately, building materials, fixtures, or supplies purchased by construction contractors of
Sanitation District No. 1, which will be permanently incorporated into a structure or improvement to real
property, or will be completely consumed, in fulfilling a construction contract for the purpose of furnishing
water or sewer services to the general public, are exempt from KY sales tax by KRS 139.480. Contractor
agrees that the Contract price for this project shall not include sales tax on exempt building
materials, fixtures, or supplies.
Bidders shall provide bid security (C-430 or equivalent) in amount to ten percent (10%) of the base bid
and proof of qualifications to perform the Work as described in the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders must
comply with all statutory requirements in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
The Successful Bidder shall furnish a 100 percent (100%) Performance Bond and a 100 percent (100%)
Payment Bond with a Surety company satisfactory to the OWNER using AIA document A312, EJCDC
documents C-610 and C-615, or equivalent.
The OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and to negotiate with the
apparent lowest, responsive, responsible bidder to such extent as may be in the OWNER’S best interest.
This Advertisement is issued by:
Owner: Sanitation District No. 1
By: Brandy Miller, Procurement Manager
1045 Eaton Drive
Fort Wright, KY 41017
859-578-6767 / bmiller@sd1.org
EJCDC® C-111, Advertisement for Bids for Construction Contract.
Copyright© 2018 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,
and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved.