BATH, NEW YORK 14810-1510
(607) 664-2484
Notice is hereby given that the Public Safety & Corrections Committee of the Steuben
County Legislature and the Steuben County Sheriff will receive sealed bids per
specifications for Inmate Uniforms and Supplies; Document #: GC-24-046-B.
Specifications, forms and general bid provisions are available, as of this date, at the
Purchasing Department, 3 East Pulteney Square, Bath, New York 14810. Telephone
number: 607-664-2484. These documents are also available on the internet via
Steuben County website www.steubencountyny.org.
Interested parties assume all responsibility to acquire bid information and forms.
To be considered, bids must be submitted on Steuben County bid forms and delivered
in a sealed opaque envelope. Bids will be received at the Purchasing Department until
1:30 P.M. local time on December 31, 2024; at which time bids will be opened and read
Dated: December 12, 2024
Andrew G. Morse
Director of Purchasing
Inmate Uniforms
1. Objective:
This bid solicitation is published to obtain competitive prices for inmate uniforms
and incidental supplies.
2. Acquisition of Bid Documents:
a. Bid documents are available, as of this date, at the Steuben County
Purchasing Department, 3 East Pulteney Square, Bath, New York. The
office is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M., except holidays.
Telephone number 607-664-2484. These documents are also available on
the internet; Steuben County website at www.steubencountyny.org.
b. Each contractor bears sole responsibility for acquisition of bid documents.
Request for bid documents to be forwarded is neither a guarantee nor an
incurred obligation on the part of Steuben County to ensure contractor’s
receipt of bid documents; timely or otherwise.
c. Receipt of these bid documents, unsolicited or otherwise, shall not be
construed a pre-determination of your company’s qualifications to receive a
contract award. Nor shall said receipt of these bid documents be
interpreted an endorsement that the contractor’s equipment, materials,
products, and/or services are in compliance with the bid specifications.
3. Document Number:
• This document has been assigned the following number GC-24-046-B.
• Relevant award(s), contract(s), agreement(s), correspondence, etc. shall
reference the assigned document number.
• It shall be understood by all interested contractors that unless amended
by, and only to the extent amended by, the Sheriff or the Director of
Purchasing, this document (as well as all requirements set forth herein)
shall become an integral component of any and all relevant
contract(s)/purchase order(s)/agreement(s).
4. Examination, Interpretation, Correction of Bid Documents:
Each contractor shall examine all bid documents and judge all matters relating to
the adequacy and accuracy of such documents. Any inquiries, suggestions or
requests concerning interpretation, clarification or additional information
pertaining to this bid solicitation shall be in writing and submitted to the
Purchasing Department at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled bid opening.
The County shall not be responsible for oral interpretations given by any county
employee, representative or others. The issuance of written addendum/addenda
is the only official method whereby interpretation, clarification or additional
information can be given.
5. Requirements:
a. Prevailing Law - To all interested contractors – any and all requirements
specified herein notwithstanding, it is Steuben County’s intent that, in all
instances and under any circumstance, the law of the land shall be in
force. Steuben County does not knowingly request nor does it knowingly
authorize action(s) which are contrary to the laws, regulations, mandates
and all such statutes which are in force at any time during the term of any
contract awarded as a result of this bid solicitation. Laws, regulations,
mandates and all such statutes as promulgated by authorized government
entities shall prevail.
b. Requirements – It shall be understood and agreed by all interested
contractors that, unless amended (specifications modified and/or waived)
by Steuben County, and only to the extent amended by the County, any
and all information contained in this bid document is to be considered an
essential component of the bid document and subsequent contract(s) and
that the bid document as published or amended represents the
requirements acceptable to Steuben County.
However, any and all requirements specified herein notwithstanding, it
shall be understood and agreed by all interested parties that the following
shall apply:
Steuben County reserves as its right, the right to amend (modify and/or
waive) specifications where such amendment;
i. does not alter the essential nature and/or performance (the form,
function, and utility) of the equipment, product, or service.
ii. encourages the contractor of equivalent equipment, product, or
service from interested contractors and manufacturers.
c. Unless amended (specifications modified and/or waived) by the County,
and only to the extent amended by the County, this document (all
information, terms and conditions, requirements, specifications, and
addendum/addenda) shall prevail. If amended, said document as
amended shall prevail.
i. Award of a bid shall not be construed as approval, by the County, for
the awarded contractor to deviate from this document; regardless of
whether said deviation(s) is stated in the contractor's attachment(s)
to its bid.
ii. Further, the County shall not be bound by the contents and language
expressed in the contractor's bid attachment(s) to its bid; including
any attachment(s) submitted to the contractor by manufacturers, sub-
contractors, suppliers, and other parties.
6. Preparation of Bid Documents:
Bids must be submitted on the forms provided in the bid documents and
prepared in the following manner:
a. All bid forms shall be legibly completed using a permanent medium (e.g.
ink, typewriter, laser printer, etc.).
i. If the submittal of unit price(s) is a requirement, said unit price(s)
shall prevail.
ii. All mathematical functions (extensions, additions, etc.) are subject to
iii. In the event of a discrepancy between the price in words and that in
figures, the lower price shall be considered the price bid.
iv. Each price bid shall be expressed as a numerical dollar value;
indicators such as ditto marks, arrows, etc. are not acceptable.
b. All forms requiring the contractor’s signature shall be signed by the
contractor or the contractor’s authorized representative. Erasures and/or
alterations shall be initialed by the individual whose signature appears on
the bid forms.
c. The contractor shall submit the bid in accordance with the bid documents
and shall not make any changes in the wording of the bid forms or make
any stipulations or qualify the bid in any manner.
d. Unless otherwise specified by Steuben County, all bids are required to be:
FOB Destination, freight allowed. Destination to be designated by the
e. All bids shall be firm for a period of forty-five (45) days from the bid
opening date; during which time the County shall render its decision.
7. Non-Collusive Bidding Clause and Certificate:
a. Clause – By submission of this bid, each contractor and each person
signing on behalf of any contractor certifies, and in the case of a joint bid,
each party thereto certifies as to its own organization, under penalty of
perjury, that to the best of knowledge and belief:
1. The prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without
collusion, consultation, communication or agreement, for the
purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such
prices with any other contractor or with any competitor;
2. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been
quoted in this bid have not been knowingly disclosed by the
contractor and will not knowingly be disclosed by the contractor
prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other contractor or to
any competitor; and
3. No attempt has been made or will be made by the contractor to
induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or
not to submit a bid for the purpose of restricting competition.
b. The contractor shall submit a signed and dated Non-Collusive Bidding
Certificate with its bid which is included in this bid document. Said
certificate is mandated by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law.
8. Hold Harmless Clause and Form:
a. Clause-The agent shall at all times defend, indemnify and hold harmless
the County of Steuben and its employees from any and all claims,
damages or judgments or for the defense or payment thereof, based on
any claim, action or cause of action whatsoever, including any action for
libel, slander, or personal injury, or any affiliated claims, by reason of any
act or failure to properly act on the part of agent and in particular as may
arise from the performance under this contract. Such obligation to the
County shall not be construed to negate, abridge or reduce other rights of
indemnity which would otherwise exist. This provision shall supersede
any other provision in this agreement deemed to be in conflict, unless
specifically stated otherwise. In the event of an injury by the
subcontractor or its employees, they shall cause notice to be served upon
the County within twenty-four (24) hours of any such injury.
b. The contractor shall submit a signed and dated Hold Harmless Clause
form with its bid, which is included in this bid document.
9. Iranian Energy Sector Divestment Certification:
Contractor hereby represents that said contractor is in compliance with New York
State General Municipal Law Section 103-g entitled “Iranian Energy Sector
By submission of this bid, each contractor and each person signing on behalf of
any contractor certifies and in the case of a joint bid, each party thereto certifies
as to its own organization, under penalty of perjury, that to the best of its
knowledge and belief, that each contractor is not on the list created pursuant to
NYS Finance Law Section 165-a(3)(b).
The contractor shall submit a signed, notarized and dated Iranian Energy Sector
Divestment Certification with its bid.
This is the opportunity summary page. It provides an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation.