Building Decarbonization Feasibility Studies

Agency: Summit County
State: Colorado
Type of Government: State & Local
  • A - Research and development
  • B - Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D
Posted: Oct 18, 2023
Due: Nov 3, 2023
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
Bid Title: Building Decarbonization Feasibility Studies
Category: Facilities Maintenance
Status: Open


Summit County Government (“County”) is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to provide services for the following: Feasibility studies that examine the possibility of decarbonization, electrification and/or energy efficiency upgrades in County-owned facilities and buildings.

Ove rview:

O ne of t he la rgest so urces of gre enhouse g as emi ssions in Su mmit Co unty is ene rgy-use in com mercial bui ldings. Impl ementation of eff ective str ategies to dec arbonize ex isting com mercial bui ldings is an em erging f ield w ith m any unk nowns, esp ecially in a high -altitude env ironment s uch as Su mmit Co unty. T he Co unty w ould l ike to be a le ader in t hese ef forts, w hile demo nstrating t he poss ibilities f or com mercial bu ilding decar bonization in t he Mou ntains. T he Co unty is se eking a qua lified con tractor or co mpany to pe rform feas ibilities st udies f or mu ltiple ( 3-5, pe nding bu dget) comme rcial-sized (2 ,500 Sq .Ft. – 15,000 Sq .Ft.) bui ldings.

T he pu rpose of t his Re quest f or Pr oposal ( RFP) is to se lect a ve ndor to co nduct th orough a nd comp rehensive fea sibility st udies on Co unty bu ilding decar bonization a nd elect rification poss ibilities. T he Co unty is sea rching f or a ve ndor w ho c an ev aluate ene rgy-use, ex isting equ ipment, n ew rep lacement technol ogies/equipment a nd to pe rform c ost- a nd gre enhouse g as red uction potent ial-analyses to pr ovide recom mendations to wards Co unty bu ilding decar bonization.

I d eally, fea sibility st udies w ould in clude:

  1. Cost estimates of retrofitting existing buildings in different scenarios: full or partial electrification, full or partial decarbonization, energy-efficiency and weatherization upgrades, and the potential for renewable energy on- and/or off-site.
  2. Greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential estimates for each scenario.
  3. Time and staff-needs estimates for each scenario.
  4. Maintenance considerations for each scenario.
  5. Considerations of emerging technologies such as ground source and air source cold climate heat pumps.
  6. Where possible, included specific equipment recommendations and drawing-level design guidance.
    1. This may include an estimate of on-site renewable generation and/or storage capabilities available at sites to pair with electrification retrofit (ex: rooftop solar, battery backup on and off-grid, etc.)
  7. Included panel, wiring, or other upgrades necessary per site in the analysis. As budget allows, include panel sizing and wiring considerations for adding EV charging infrastructure.
  8. Included recommendations for pre-retrofit weatherization upgrades.

T he ve ndor sh ould i nto cons ideration t he fol lowing i tems w hile per forming fea sibility st udies f or t he Co unty:

  • Operating new technology/equipment in a high-altitude environment.
  • Limited/expensive land, putting constraints on large-scale renewable projects.
  • Prioritizing renewable energy adoption to keep building utility bills low, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use and to support goals set in the Summit Community Climate Action Plan (SCCAP).
  • Prioritizing electrification due to goals surrounding fossil fuel transitions, as described in the SCCAP and considering natural gas pipeline capacity constraints.

Co pies of t he re quest a re ava ilable at u nder Bids & Pro posals’ or by re quest at t he Co unty Sust ainability Of fice. Co ntact As hley Br ubaker, Sust ainability Coor dinator, f or add itional pr oject inf ormation at For security reasons, you must enable JavaScript to view this E-mail address. or 970-453-3408.

S cope of Se rvices

Con tractor s hall fu rnish a ll la bor, trans portation, a nd inc identals nec essary to pe rform t he Bu ilding Decar bonization Fea sibility St udies se rvice. W ork s hall be com pleted as s et f orth in a co ntract f or t his pr oject to be neg otiated w ith t he Co unty \ b ased u pon t he cont ractor’s wr itten pro posal.

Date and time of service

Se rvice w ill be per formed o ver a 3 to 6 m onth pe riod, dep endent on ve ndor tim eline. T he Co unty w ould pr efer t he ve ndor to s tart w ork in No vember of 2023.

Indem nification a nd Ins urance

Con tractor s hall ind emnify a nd h old ha rmless t he Co unty f rom a nd ag ainst a ll cl aims, da mages, lo sses, a nd ex penses ar ising o ut of or res ulting f rom a cts or omi ssions of t he Con tractor, Cont ractor’s sub-c ontractors or oth erwise ar ising o ut of t he per formance of se rvices by Con tractor. No l ater t han s even ( 7) d ays fol lowing t he exe cution of an Ind ependent Con tractor Agr eement be tween t he Co unty a nd Con tractor, t he Con tractor s hall pr ovide t he Co unty w ith cert ificates of ins urance evi dencing t he t ypes a nd am ounts of ins urance spe cified be low:

  1. Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability:
    1. Worker’s Compensation must be maintained with the statutory limits.
    2. Employer’s liability is required for minimum limits of:
  • $1,000,000 Each Accident
  • $500,000 Disease Policy
  • $1,000,000 Disease Each Employee
    1. Commercial General Liability:
      1. $1,000,000 Each Occurrence
      2. $2,000,000 General Aggregate
      3. $2,000,000 Products Completed Operations Aggregate
    2. Automobile Liability: Contractor will maintain business auto liability coverage covering liability arising out of any auto (including owned, hired and non-owned autos) used in the performance of services under this Agreement.
      1. $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Each Accident

Ins urance co verage s hall n ot be re duced b elow t he li mits des cribed a bove or can celled wi thout t he Co unty’s wr itten ap proval of s uch red uction or canc ellation. Cert ificates of s uch ins urance, of ag ents a nd subco ntractors, s hall be pr ovided to t he Co unty u pon re quest. W ith re gard to a ll ins urance, s uch ins urance sh all:

  • Be primary insurance to the full limits of liability herein before stated and, should County have other valid insurance, County insurance shall be excess insurance only; and
  • Not cancelled without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the County.

Pr oposal Fo rmat

C osts f or per forming se rvices ou tlined in t his re quest f or pro posals s hall be cl early st ated to a llow t he Co unty to eff ectively ev aluate e ach pro posal. Pot ential d aily sc hedule of se rvices sh ould a lso be inc luded.

Ref inements a nd Impr ovements

App licants sh ould f eel f ree du ring t he pr oposal sub mission pr ocess to pr ovide a ny sug gestions or co mments t hat m ight be adva ntageous f or t he Co unty to co nsider in t erms of a ny effi ciencies, is sues or pro cesses. T he Co unty is n ot com mitted to a ny si ngle sce nario, b ut eff iciency of res ources a nd min imizing im pacts a re cr itical in com pleting t his w ork.

T he fol lowing p ages co ntain t he R FP inst ructions a nd ow ners requ irements.


A. Is suing Of ficer

T his Re quest f or Pro posals (“ RFP”) is is sued by t he Su mmit Co unty Gov ernment, Sust ainability Dep artment. F or que stions, pl ease co ntact As hley Bru baker, Sust ainability Coo rdinator at Ashley.brub For security reasons, you must enable JavaScript to view this E-mail address. or 970-453-3408.

B. Pu rpose

T his R FP pr ovides pro spective con tractors w ith suf ficient inf ormation to pr epare a nd su bmit pro posals f or cons ideration by t he Co unty. To be con sidered res ponsive, e ach pr oposal m ust pr ovide f or com pletion of t he t asks ou tlined in t he R FP.

C. S cope

T his R FP co ntains t he inst ructions gov erning t he pro posals to be sub mitted a nd t he mat erials to be in cluded th erein. T hese a re man datory requ irements t hat m ust be m et to be el igible f or cons ideration.

D. Sch eduling

Pro posals m ust be sub mitted v ia e mail to Ashley.brub For security reasons, you must enable JavaScript to view this E-mail address. to t he Sust ainability Dep artment by No vember 3 rd no l ater t han 11:59pm MS T/MDT . T he pr oposal sh ould ou tline t he sc hedule f or comm encement of se rvice.

E. Inq uiries a nd Que stions

Pro spective app licants a re we lcome to m ake inq uiries a nd a sk que stions con cerning t he R FP to ob tain clar ification of t he a ny requ irements or sc hedule a s ite v isit to t he pro perties. Di rect a ll inq uiries t o:

As hley Br ubaker

Sust ainability Dep artment


Ashley.brub For security reasons, you must enable JavaScript to view this E-mail address.

T ime Sch edule:

Mo nday, Oc tober 16, 2023 Re quest f or Pro posals pu blicly adv ertised a nd po sted on Co unty we bsite

Wed nesday, Oc tober 25, 2023 De adline f or a ll Que stions

Fr iday, Oc tober 27, 2023 A ll Que stions, Co mments a nd Res ponses to Que stions po sted by t he Co unty at B ids a nd Pro posals on

Fr iday, No vember 3, 2023 Pro posals m ust be sub mitted v ia e mail to Ashley.brub For security reasons, you must enable JavaScript to view this E-mail address. no l ater t han 11:59 p .m. MS T/MDT

Mo nday, No vember 6, 2023 Of ficial B id Op ening at 9:00 a .m.

Tu esday, No vember 7, 2023 Int erview w ith shor t-listed Pro posers if nec essary

Wed nesday, No vember 8, 2023 Co ntract nego tiations ( week o f)

Fr iday, No vember 10, 2023 No tice of A ward a nd s end Unsu ccessful Bi dder le tter (e mail) to a ll pro posers

F. Inst ructions f or Sub mission of Pro posals

It is imp erative, w hen sub mitting a pro posal, t hat t he ou tside of t he sub mission e mail be add ressed as fo llows a nd w ith app ropriate t ext in t he e mail su bject l ine a nd t ext in t he t op f ew l ines of t he b ody of t he em ail:

E mail Ad dress:

ashley.brub For security reasons, you must enable JavaScript to view this E-mail address.

Su bject L ine T ext:

ndor’s N ame> - Pr oposal f or: Bu ilding Decar bonization Fea sibility St udies

B ody T ext:

A TTN: As hley Bru baker, Sust ainability Coo rdinator

Sust ainability Dep artment

Pr oposal f or: Bu ilding Decar bonization Fea sibility St udies

1. Cont ractor's co mpany n ame

2. Co ntact n ame a nd p hone nu mber

G. L ate Pro posals

It is t he resp onsibility of e ach ve ndor sub mitting a pr oposal to en sure t hat em ailed pro posals ar rive to t he Sust ainability Dep artment by 11:59 PM MS T/MDT on No vember 3, 2023.

H. Pro prietary Inf ormation

A ny rest rictions on t he u se of d ata con tained wi thin a pr oposal m ust be cl early st ated in t he pr oposal it self.

I. Re sponse Ma terial Own ership

A ll mat erials sub mitted reg arding t his R FP be come t he pr operty of t he Co unty a nd w ill o nly be re turned at t he Co unty's op tion.

J. Inc urring C osts

T he Co unty is n ot li able f or a ny c osts in curred by t hose w ho h ave sub mitted pro posals p rior to is suance of a si gned con tract.

K. Acc eptance of Pr oposal Co ntent

T he co ntents f rom t he se lected cont ractor’s pr oposal w ill be come con tractual obl igations if a sub sequent agr eement is re ached. Fa ilure of t he suc cessful con tractor to ac cept t hese obl igations m ay re sult in canc ellation of t he a ward a nd s uch con tractor m ay be re moved f rom fu ture soli citations.

L. Acc eptance T ime

T he Co unty in tends to m ake a pr oposal sel ection wi thin 20 bu siness d ays a fter t he cl osing d ate f or re ceipt of pro posals.

M. Bu dget

C osts f or per forming se rvices m ust be in cluded in t he pro posals a nd sh ould be cl early st ated to a llow t he Co unty to eff ectively ev aluate e ach pro posal.


T he pr oposal sub mitted m ust cl early ad dress t he requ irements ou tlined in t he R FP. A ny co ncerns t hat t he con tactor m ay h ave a bout me eting t hese requ irements s hall be spec ifically ide ntified in t he pro posal.

S cope of W ork

Pr ovide an ou tline of t he cont ractor’s unde rstanding of t he pr oject. Sum marize t he b asic ap proach to pro viding t he ser vices, a nd a ny recom mendations on imp roving effi ciencies in t he pr ocess.

Qual ifications

Con tractor s hall fu rnish a su mmary of exp erience on si milar pr ojects a nd be pr epared to pr ovide exa mples. In clude a b rief des cription of p ast a nd cu rrent pro jects. E ach su mmary s hall in clude a b rief pr oject des cription a nd n ame, ad dress a nd p hone nu mber of a l ocal co ntact pe rson in volved in t he pr oject. T he sta tement of qual ifications sh ould a lso pr ovide a su mmary of cont ractor's ab ility to succ essfully co mplete t he requ irements of t his R FP. T he sta tement of qual ification s hall be b rief b ut s hall in clude at a mi nimum t he fol lowing:

  1. Description of similar projects
  2. Capabilities (including equipment) and staff

T he Co unty in tends to en gage t he m ost qua lified con tractor ava ilable f or t his ass ignment w hile min imizing t he c osts to t he Co unty. Resp onsiveness to t he R FP w ill be a pri nciple b asis f or eva luation. Pro posals s hall pr ovide a strai ghtforward a nd co ncise pres entation ad equate to sa tisfy t he requ irements of t he R FP. T he pr oposal sh ould cl early ex press t he cont ractor's unde rstanding of t he Co unty's sp ecific requ irements, ind icating t he cont ractor's qual ifications to co nduct t his se rvice in a th orough a nd eff icient ma nner.

Fa ilure to di sclose a co nflict of in terest is a mis demeanor cr iminal of fense u nder Co lorado L aw. S uch co nflict m ay a rise if a ny pu blic of ficial exe rcises a ny sub stantial disc retionary fu nction in con nection w ith a gov ernment con tract, pur chase, pa yment or o ther pec uniary tra nsaction wi thout nec essary dis closures as de fined by Co lorado Re vised St atutes (C .R.S.) Se ction 18-8-308 as am ended.

Sel ection Pr ocess .

  1. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to consider alternatives, to waive irregularities and to re-solicit proposals.
  2. The County reserves the right to conduct such investigations of, and discussions with, those who have submitted proposals (“Proponents”) or other entities as it deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any proposal or to secure maximum clarification and completeness of any proposal.
  3. All proposals submitted must be valid for a minimum period of ninety (90) days after the date of the proposal opening. Each Proponent must submit with the proposal a list of all subcontractors, independent contractors or sub-consultants employed or proposed to be employed by the Proponent in the performance of the contract.
  4. Selection of a contractor will be made at the sole discretion of the County. The County may consider the following criteria when evaluating proposals that includes but is not limited to:
    1. Cost;
    2. The reputation, experience and efficiency of the Proponent;
    3. The ability of the Proponent to perform the contract or provide the goods and services within the time specified;
    4. The comparative quality of the goods and services bid;
    5. The Proponent’s performance under previous contracts with Summit County;
    6. The number and scope of conditions attached to the proposal;
    7. The Proponent’s interest in the project, as well as their understanding of the project scope and the specific requirements of Summit County; and
    8. The application of all of the above criteria to any sub-consultants, subcontractors or products to be utilized by the Proponent.
    9. Contract negotiations will take place with the most qualified contractor. The County reserves the right to incorporate specific contract provisions into the Proponent’s standard contract if the County’s standard contract cannot be used. Such provisions include but are not limited to insurance and indemnification provisions and governmental immunity provisions. If a contract cannot be negotiated, the negotiations will be terminated in writing and negotiations will begin with the next most qualified contractor.
Publication Date/Time:
10/18/2023 12:00 AM
Closing Date/Time:
11/3/2023 11:59 PM
Contact Person:
Ashley Brubaker, Sustainability Coordinator
Phone: 970-453-3408

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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only as a convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.