ISO-NE Consulting Support Request for Proposals

Agency: Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC)
State: Vermont
Type of Government: State & Local
  • R - Professional, Administrative and Management Support Services
Posted: Oct 7, 2023
Due: Nov 10, 2023
Publication URL: To access bid details, please log in.
  1. Requests for Proposals
ISO-NE Consulting Support Request for Proposals

Efficiency Vermont, a statewide Energy Efficiency Utility administered by Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC), is soliciting proposals for consulting services to provide assistance with matters involving the New England wholesale electricity markets and regional planning efforts. The work includes assisting VEIC staff with participation in the ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market (FCM) and/or assisting VEIC staff with reviews of New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) and ISO New England (ISO-NE) meetings and development of strategies that further Efficiency Vermont’s goals and interests on behalf of Vermont ratepayers.

Responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) must be delivered electronically to VEIC by 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday, November 10, 2023. VEIC will not accept responses submitted after this time. Please submit your response electronically via e-mail to: with RFP Submittal for ISO-NE Consulting Support in the subject line.

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Request for Proposal
ISO-NE Consulting Support
RFP Release Date: 10/6/2023
Bidder Questions Due: 10/20/2023
Answers Posted: 10/27/2023
Proposals Due: 11/10/2023
Efficiency Vermont, a statewide Energy Efficiency Utility administered by Vermont Energy Investment
Corporation (VEIC), is soliciting proposals for consulting services to provide assistance with matters
involving the New England wholesale electricity markets and regional planning efforts. The work includes
assisting VEIC staff with participation in the ISO-NE Forward Capacity Market (FCM) and/or assisting VEIC
staff with reviews of New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) and ISO New England (ISO-NE) meetings and
development of strategies that further Efficiency Vermont’s goals and interests on behalf of Vermont
Responses to this Request for Proposals (RFP) must be delivered electronically to VEIC by 5:00 p.m. EST
on Friday, November 10, 2023. VEIC will not accept responses submitted after this time. Please submit
your response electronically via e-mail to: with RFP Submittal for ISO-NE Consulting
Support in the subject line.
VEIC will respond to individual questions regarding this RFP only as follows: questions regarding
requirements and scope of work must be received by 5:00 p.m. EST October 20, 2023, via e-mail only, to with RFP Questions for ISO-NE Consulting Support in the subject line. When
appropriate, please refer to the RFP page number and Section Heading to inform a helpful response.
VEIC will post answers on the VEIC website ( no
later than 5:00 p.m. EST, October 27, 2023. VEIC will not address questions submitted after 5:00 p.m.
EST October 20, 2023.
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
VEIC is a mission-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the economic and environmental
costs of energy use. It carries out its mission, in part, by designing and implementing innovative energy
efficiency and renewable energy programs. Founded in 1986, VEIC is nationally and internationally
recognized for advancing energy efficiency, energy conservation, and renewable energy programs and
projects across the United States, Canada, and Europe. VEIC employs over 300 professionals and is
headquartered in Winooski, Vermont. It also has a presence in several states, including offices in
Washington, DC. For additional information, please see the VEIC website:
Efficiency Vermont
Launched January 1, 2000, Efficiency Vermont helps ratepayers reduce energy costs, strengthen the
local economy, and protect the environment by making homes and businesses energy efficient.
Efficiency Vermont provides technical assistance, rebates, and other financial incentives to help
Vermont households, businesses, and other institutions—such as K-12 schools—reduce their energy
costs with energy-efficient equipment, lighting, and approaches to construction and major renovation.
Efficiency Vermont partners extensively with contractors, suppliers, and retailers of efficient products
and services throughout the state.
VEIC is the administrator of Efficiency Vermont under an Order of Appointment issued by the Vermont
Public Utility Commission. For additional information, please see the Efficiency Vermont website:
ISO New England (ISO-NE) is the independent, not-for-profit company authorized by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission to operate the power system, administer wholesale electricity markets, and
undertake power system planning for the New England region. The Participants Committee is ISO-NE’s
primary stakeholder advisory body. It is made up of the representatives of the New England Power Pool
(NEPOOL) participants and helps ensure a collaborative process in the administration of New England’s
wholesale electricity markets and power system.
Program Overview
VEIC, as part of its Efficiency Vermont work, became a NEPOOL member and an ISO-NE Demand Resource
Market Participant in August of 2006, in order to monitor and provide input on specific issues of interest
to VEIC and to Vermont, and to allow VEIC to participate in ISO-NE markets. Since the inception of the
Forward Capacity Market (FCM) in 2006, VEIC has participated on behalf of Efficiency Vermont, and other
efficiency activities undertaken on behalf of Green Mountain Power, by bidding Energy Efficiency Demand
Resources into this market. As of June 2020, the VEIC Energy Efficiency Portfolio provides 114 MW of
capacity to the FCM, the largest capacity resource in Vermont. VEIC also participates in other ISO-NE
activities related to its mission, including but not limited to the Energy Efficiency Forecast Working Group
and the Distributed Generation Forecast Working Group.
Scope of Work
This RFP includes options for multiple scopes of work (Options A, B, or C) to support Efficiency
Vermont’s programmatic needs. Respondents must select one scope of work and respond to that scope
of work in their RFP response. In submitting a response to this RFP, the Respondent should identify the
scope of work option on which they wish to bid.
Option A
The selected Contractor will provide consulting services related to VEIC’s status as a NEPOOL member
and Demand Resources (DR) Market Participant in ISO New England (ISO-NE). In summary, the selected
Contractor is expected to track and report on NEPOOL and ISO-NE meetings, alert VEIC to specific issues
related to participation in the FCM and other ISO-NE activities of interest to Vermont, and work with
VEIC to develop strategies to advance policy interests. Identification of the type of issues that warrant
specific attention will be discussed at the beginning of the contract period, and the beginning of each
calendar year thereafter, and then updated on an as-needed basis.
Specific services include, but are not limited to, the tasks outlined below.
1) Routinely advising Efficiency Vermont about relevant ISO New England Committee agenda topics for
the Participants Committee, Markets Committee, Reliability Committee, Transmission Committee,
Planning Advisory Committee, Emerging Technologies Working Group, Energy Efficiency Forecast
Working Group, and Distributed Generation Forecast Working Group, as necessary, through regular
communications (see Deliverables below).
2) Serving as VEIC Proxy vote on the Participants Committee, Markets Committee, Reliability Committee,
and Transmission Committee, as directed by VEIC. In such instances, the contractor will vote on VEIC’s
behalf in the interest of Vermont ratepayers and to offer VEIC the opportunity to discuss voting strategy
when necessary.
3) Assisting Efficiency Vermont staff in interpreting ISO New England Tariff, Market Rules, manuals, and
other policy and operational determinations. The contractor will identify new initiatives related to the
New England power system and discuss with VEIC their potential impact on VEIC’s goals and interests.
4) Representing Efficiency Vermont’s interests in NEPOOL Officers meetings, ISO Board Nominating
Committee meetings, and other periodic meetings.
5) Other advice and consultation, as requested by Efficiency Vermont, within the limits set forth in the
scope of work.
Annual list of major topics for each contract year that is updated monthly as part of the NPC
agenda summary. This list will be reviewed with Efficiency Vermont at the beginning of the year.
The monthly update will identify upcoming issue and meetings, including NEPOOL and other
committee meetings, as appropriate to cover issues of interest to Efficiency Vermont. For those
issues or meetings that are of interest to Efficiency Vermont, the Contractor will suggest
participation and voting strategies consistent with the monthly budget. Efficiency Vermont will
request calls to discuss issues and / or voting if deemed necessary.
Follow-up communications with results of relevant committee votes or other ISO-NE actions.
Timely responses to emails or telephone calls requesting further information regarding NEPOOL
or ISO-NE meetings, potential strategies for advancing the interests identified by VEIC, and
general questions regarding NEPOOL and ISO-NE issues.
Other items as agreed upon by the parties.
Scope of Work Option B
Option B includes the following services:
Specific services include, but are not limited to, support, assistance, guidance, recommendations,
strategies, and optionally tools, for the administration and operations of Efficiency Vermont’s resources
in the ISO-NE FCM, including tasks outlined below.
1) Efficient management of an increasing number of resources, through existing capacity qualification,
show of interest, new capacity qualification, auctions, and asset creation.
2) Forecasting and bidding strategies across the Forward Capacity Auction (FCA) process and the
annual and monthly reconfiguration auctions to balance revenue and limit risk.
3) Reporting performance through the Energy Efficiency Measure Database, measure assignment to
assets, Financial Assurance, CPS Reports and Monitoring, getting data from the Market Information
System (MIS).
Option B includes the following deliverables:
Proactive suggestion to increase efficiency or reduce opportunity for errors in the processes
within Scope Option B.
o Review existing system for forecasting and tracking capacity obligations and
performance by resource.
o Suggest at least one alternative used by another market participant in ISO-NE or PJM or
similar forward capacity markets that include efficiency, or other substantially similar
Advanced notice of upcoming changes to these processes, anticipation of how ISO will
implement rule changes, and suggestions for how to deal with them.
Timely responses to emails or telephone calls requesting further information regarding
operational, administrative, and technical issues as part of participation in FCM.
Scope of Work Option C
Option C scope of work includes all services and deliverables in both Option A and Option B listed above.
Schedule / Milestones
Efficiency Vermont intends to follow the below schedule with regard to this RFP and the work described
herein, but reserves the right to adjust the schedule as necessary.
RFP release
OPTIONAL-Notice of Intent to Respond
Bidders Questions Due
Answers distributed no later than
Proposals due to Efficiency Vermont
Selection review and potential interviews
Selection and contract negotiations
Performance period begins
Performance period ends
Friday, 10/6/2023
Friday, 10/20/2023
Friday, 10/20/2023
Friday, 10/27/2023
Wednesday, 11/10/2023
11/10 – 11/29
Tuesday, 11/29/2023
Proposal Requirements
Proposals should be limited to 10 pages in length. Cover letters, Table of Contents, and a completed
Certificate of Agreement and Compliance (Attachment A) are not included in this page limit. Resumes,
sample documents, and other exhibits may be presented as Appendices and are not included in this
All proposals must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the party (or parties) submitting the
proposal. Include the names and phone numbers of personnel authorized to negotiate the proposed
contract with VEIC.
Proposals must include at minimum the following information:
Identification of Organization - State the full name and address of the organization and, if applicable,
other subcontractors that will perform, or assist in performing, the work. Include a brief description of
the organization’s history, structure, and size.
Implementation of the Scope of Work – Identify the respondent’s selected Scope of Work option
(Option A, B, or C). Discuss the respondent’s proposed implementation of the selected Scope of Work
described above. Give particular attention to describing the methods and resources the respondent will
use and how the respondent will accomplish the tasks involved. Be sure to provide enough detail to
illustrate an in-depth understanding of the ISO-NE committee structure and market function, and the
activities that will be emphasized in order to meet the objectives of this RFP. If subcontractors are
involved, clearly identify the work each will perform.
Prior Experience - List recent work performed, especially that which is similar to the Scope of Work. To
the extent that the bidder has previously prepared summaries of NEPOOL or ISO-NE meetings, please
provide a sample of such a document. Please discuss any past, current, and anticipated relationships
This is the opportunity summary page. You are currently viewing an overview of this opportunity and a preview of the attached documentation. For more information, please visit the Publication URL Web page.
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* Disclaimer: Information regarding bids, requests for proposals (RFPs), or requests for qualifications (RFQs) is provided on this website only as a convenience and does not constitute official public notice. Persons wishing to respond to or inquire about bids, RFPs, or RFQs should contact the appropriate government department.